Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Today then i realised that mrs sew watches TAR 11. and i like TAR11. I support Oswald and Danny or, team chachacha. Mrs Sew supports U/J or Uchenna and Joyce. Then, during history, she say who got watch yesterday TAr11? Got the auschwitz stuff and the concentration camp. i told her that i got watch and i got spoilers. after her lesson she ask me what i meant. then i tell her that u/j eliminated next week. she was like.... WHY U/J GENA eliminated? I SUPPORT them. She told me that during TAR7, she cried when U/J won. Okay, xinyu tell me that she actually didnt win the ... ic. Kasuki won it. she told me to keep it a secret and she doesnt want aqilah to know.

ozzy and danny rocks.


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