Friday, 22 June 2007

just came back from bball camp.
quite tired and this celia still ask me for the chinese proj.

okay, have to admit.
the camp pretty fun.
organised by my snrs.

bathing was funny lor
shawn, huiqi, xae-rl, baizurah, arina and me
all chiong to the toilets
then all occupied.
so we decided to bathe after the night trng

arina, xae-rl and i
run to the toilet.
arina bathe 1st
when arina was bathing
shu rui and the rest was like asking for toilets for melody
then jan came.
they left.
so xae-rl go off the corridor lights then jan screamed.

anyways, the 1st day was pretty bad.
the guides was also camping
3d2n. haha
but something happened to the guides.

8 bags got thrown out and some of their stuff went missing.
then, they called the police.
as there were only 2 groups in the school,
ms terry suspect that the robber was from either bball or guides.
why in the world would we want to do this stupid stuff?
then she say got cctv.
if got cctv then go check lar.
waste our time there.
say what moral blah.
if a robber steal
would she admit it?
no duh
like if you killed someone
would you say you killed the person?
talk talk talk
then drag and drag till 1am.

the next day got match against compassvale
i not in cdiv so nvr play.
noticed that shawn, xae-rl, teochin got improved.
eve must jiayou.!!!
but sadly we didnt win.
tk vs compassvale

kor coming back on sun
getting my bubblegums and chewinggums
and esther, your bubblegums made my teeth pain leh.



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