Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Q1) What do you think an ideal friend should be like?
good to me like cf!

Q2) What would happen if you were deprived of food for a week?
die lo.

Q3) Whose butt would you like to kick?
oppo me the noob.

Q4) What would you do with a billion dollars?
buy sodagreen's stuff until i go broke! jk, rather save.

Q5) What's your ideal lover like?
sweet, caring, nice

Q6) Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved?
being loved since loving someone seems more tiring

Q7) How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
how much money does he have?

Q8) Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
yes, can't wait for thurs.

Q9) Define the term "friends".
someone able to talk to.

Q10) If the person you secretly like is attached, what would you do?
jab him?

Q11) How would you see yourself in 10 year's time?
i'll be 24 then? older lo.

Q12) Who is currently the most important people to you?
family and friends

Q13) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

Q14) Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?
happy will do.

Q15) What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

Q16) Would you give all in a relationship?
nope. the guy should.

Q17) If you fall in love with 2 people at the same time, who would you pick?
who is more devoted to me.

Q18) What type of people do you hate?

8 people to do this:
Whoever want to do then do lo.

40 Secrets about yourself.
Be honest no matter what.

1. Have you ever been asked out?

2. Where was your default picture taken?

3. What's your middle name?

4. your current relationship status?

5.Does your crush like you back?
no crush.

6. What is your current mood?
can't wait for sg, and a little sad that mum took leave on thurs and ive yet to find any restaurant.

7. What color of underwear are you wearing?
tight red pants~!

8. What color shirt are you wearing?
camp enviro awareness shirt. i miss them!

9. Missing something?
i miss jpn now.

10. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?
i wld change by behavior. i regret now. its so silly.

11. If you must be an animal for one day, what?

12. Ever had a near death experience?
yes. almost got knocked down by a car. i hope never again/

13. Something you do a lot?

14. The song stuck in your head?
its secondhand serenade - fall for you.

15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
kare rou

16. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
ming kit? and wen smth.

17. When was the last time you cried?

18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
nvr. shy~

19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
roam around the world freely. and change the earth status, im feeling darn hot now.

20. What's the first thing you notice about Everything in 1 second.

21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
frappuccino. (or how do you spell it?)

22. What's your biggest secret?
idolize too many people liao.

23. Your favorite color?
green and pink

24. Do you still watch kiddie shows or tv shows?
yes. every sat and sun no fail watch doraemon.

25. What's on your walls?
wallie or real wall? real wall is left the old sports car picture. wallie is the acer one, haven't bothered to change one after sending com for repair.

26. What are you?
human lol?

27. Do you speak any other language?
eng, chi, a little canto and hokkien.

28. What's your favorite smell?
after coming out from toilet. bathe not shit.

29. Describe your life in one word.
(((: happy for the time being. no worries yet.

31. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
in my dreams prolly.

32. What are you thinking about right now?
is the maple shield worth it?

33. What should you be doing?
watching tv.

34. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?

35. How often do you talk to G-d?
g-dragon you mean??? i would like to talk to him!
god? no, im buddhist.

36. Do you like working in the yard?
yes, farming would be good.

37. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?

38. Do you act differently around the person you like?

39. What is your natural hair color?
black brown?

40. Who was the last person to make you cry?


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