Thursday, 21 August 2008

i am so screwed, i never did a thing on dnt. and tomorrow have to let mrs wong see the folio. ar die.

this term subs are okay, lowest is lit. darn.
hope can get a overall of 70+. lets hope, i think i can.

qf speech so touching.
cried during xiang xin and wo de wei lai bu shi meng.
he is acting in a perf in tp.

too bad i cant go. i cant go.

fyes are coming.

he is riding a bicycle.
he would be singing.
he and him.
he does have the talent.
he didn't tell her that he set up.
until it was time.
he has low self esteem.
he thinks he is short.
he got depression.
he wants to design cd covers.
he mum is supportive.

i hate school. why do we have exams so early? why? if i do score well, it doesnt matter, but i dont. i dont.

i know. i know.

you think that she hates you, but otherwise, she loves you. think of others.

she is special. she is so special.

help me to fulfill this dream. i know we both share it.

i dont belong here.


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