Friday, 7 November 2008

ARGHH qf looks horrible good in orange.

oh i hotlinked again.
skipped training to go for the breathe event@padang. free bentoset, t-shirt, tons of mineral water. met kr at bugis then went to nlb to borrowed books. thought we were late, but we weren't.

the event was so boring. took 2 yoshinoya bento set, and after went to esplanade/suntec/millenia walk. we were not supposed to leave the padang compound. saw a flock of japanese school girls on the way, thought they were from china at first sight. ate lots of junk food, the mr tan said we could only go back to school at 8.30pm. and the OPENING ceremony@6.30pm. oh zzzzzzzz. saw nat ho(he walked past me and "isn't he the errr naatt ho")/electrico/and 987fm djs.

oh faked the teacher that my bro was my dad as i couldnt contact my parents. ohhhh. lies again.


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