Sunday, 25 January 2009

happy birthday jaejoong.
i remember 2008 when esther forced me to go to some jj forum and waited till it was 11pm to wish jj.

oh, one year is gone so fast.

happy chinese lunar new year. i'm using lj from now onwards, yep add me in lj cos i f-locked my posts.

Monday, 12 January 2009

aww many many things happened.

firstly starting off, i went to tekka market to have briyani. the best one, i think. then secondly, i received 250 bucks from the government. wow! thirdly, happy birthday dad. fourthly, i had class party with 3e1.

and yes, 3e1 is not bad. but many people i haven't talked to yet. 2e4. 2e4.

2009 seems like a bad year to me. scoldings, probably being despised by many.
ah, ive got to stay quiet.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

arghh msn peeps are getting the stupid virus...

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

i missed the audition for my school daze.
ya wow, i totally fit the criteria ya.
a good chance and i missed it.

hah wonder when shinee bfb will air???

Monday, 5 January 2009


im missing celeb to binbo taro earlier episodes.
episode 9 onwards is getting ridiculous.
aya ueto! kamiki yusuke!

school was okay except chinese when there was chaos.
the teacher sucks for sure, i hope he doesn't teach us forever.
and he thought i was sleeping but instead i was doodling.

i really regretted why i didnt put triple science for first choice.
i want challenge, i feel so stupid.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

screw that who hotlinked my pb/

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Happy New Year.
i dont know why but yinhui seems to be in the wrong class.
2 transfered students.
all whole new shit of teachers i dont recognize.
my fm said she taught in the school for 10 years and for the past two years, i havent seen her.
did i spent the past two years in vain?

3rd day.

bette midler rocks.