Saturday, 7 April 2007

Yesterday went out with my relatives to Harborfront. Then, we ate at the dragon gate restaurant. Vicky wanted to go to the toilet, so we all followed her. then, she went into the cubicle. she peeped at me 1st so i asked aizhen and jingwen to go in cubicle to peep at her. aizhen was holding felicia handphone at that time, but didnt now how to operate at camera function. she pretended taking photos of vicky urinating. vicky screamed damn loud, and jingwen, renwen,felicia and i laugh like hell until our stomach pain. HAHA, vicky PWNED>.

Then, duno who suggested to go to sentosa. I wearing jeans damn hot, same as vicky and felicia. So, they went to book for the songs of the sea ticket. when we saw the some sort of the "roller coaster", we wanted to sit on it. Everyone went and we buy combo tickets, Sky ride, duno whether correct a not, and luge.

Stupid boy ride the luge so fast. He told me he was inspired by 2 young boys who were practically flying. LOLX. The song of the sea was a quite nice show, actually i thought that it was boring. Luckily, stupid boy knew where the best seat was. PHEW. We got one of the best seats. We were having a picnic there. Seating In front and behind all tourist. I was quite wonderful with all those effects, especially the Fire part. I was quite tired after a long day which i thought i was supposed to be relaxing. So reach home at 11pm. :)


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