Tuesday, 29 May 2007

okay; havent been blogging for a long time.

and now the hols.

so fast hor.

and this is the latest anime siggy i made.

yesterday training was tough.

suicide, suicide and suicides.

tired. coach say want to train up stamina. wth???

now i am addicted to getampedsea.

quite fun.

a pvp game.

my ign is BlockHead and freshANDbrite.

my bro is sharing the freshANDbrite acc with me.

and he trains so fast.

im still in the egg level. diaox

bought the ultra arm thing. power!!!


"home is where the heart prevail, not the mind"

Thursday, 24 May 2007

today was a boring day.
we took class photo today, and obviously it would not turn out nice because im so ugly.
had the last lgm today.
and i was seating over ther doing nothing.

duno whether next semester miss ang is teaching us
hope she is.
if not, we changed so many teachers for geog.
mrs tan-wong, mr james ng, mrs lai, miss lam, miss chia, and now miss kong.
for maths
mrs hoy to mr koh, and next semester changing to another.
so many changes.
i want MISS ANG. so cute and fair.


today receive alot of spam msg from my new "angel"
as if i duno who it is.
so obvious.


Monday, 21 May 2007


okay, today got badminton interclass competition.
and we won 3rd! got trophy some more.

pretty happy now. and of course my 1st trophy. zzz
got many medals, but no trophy.

today during recess,
2e2 opened a stall.
they were selling food.
then the melissa anyhow call me to buy her food.
of course NO duh.
i dont eat this kind of food.
so sorry.

tomorrow xinyu said playing MODIFIED netball with 2e4.
and im NOT looking forward to it.

does anyone appreciate my siggy?

Sunday, 20 May 2007

okay. i made a few siggies today,
you may take them for your own usage but pls credit me.

for wentworth miller fans:
(made it for esther)

for john hoon fans:
(made for fun)

for arron yan ya lun fans:
(made 2 since so many people like him)

and this.

feeling sigging making today.

Saturday, 19 May 2007

yesterday night made a siggy for salted chicken.

look. :)

can rate upon 10?

nice anot????

later going out. duno where.

beauty is sometimes skin deep.

Friday, 18 May 2007

today was quite boring.
and yesterday did not blog.
pe was siansssssss.
and art was worse.
mt also sian. do the cheng yu thing.

bball; tiring.
bball; sians
bball; time waster.

today actually very tired.

later making siggies for yanjie.
her "100x" priest...
and my 5x cleric.
making many many siggies.
wan any?


Tuesday, 15 May 2007


wahh. sians. sians.
actually hate to blog today, nothing good.

the black beauty was not bad, quite touching. But i was very sleepy, always yawning.

ive got a secret, not telling. something happened during the black beauty.

Monday, 14 May 2007

w00tx, today no school.
but i saw many schools halfday
chankat changi, kc, manjusri, pasir ris, green field, coral...
went out to but some hair stuffs today,
and on the train back home saw natasha with some of her kc friends.
hope she didnt see me!

yesterday was mothers day,
went to nlb the hans to celebrate.
they took up 4 tables, but many havent come.
then when we eating, alot of ppl looking at us coz we took a lot of tables but no ones eating.
most havent come yet.

ahyi bought 5 slices of cakes for the mothers.
actually i told her to buy the cheap cheap $1 kaya cake for my mum.
then jingwen and renwen said they want 2 tiramisu cake,
2??? 2 mothers ar?
so greedy.
so over there got miny miny cart which sell stuffs.
then 1 shopkeeper said that felicia looks the most old amongst us.
felicia= p6
jing wen older lor.
she said she sec1 or 2.
and renwen,
she said she only p4.

so went to bugis street see see and touch touch.
jingwen and vicky both have the smae habit,
only know how to touch and talk, disturb the shopkeeper but in the end never buy.
if im a shopkeeper, i would hate this kind of customers.

thats all for today and yesterday,

Thursday, 10 May 2007

usted love tu
(we love you)
for recess,
yo camo sherpard pie.

simple spanish here! xD

got back results

english= 67.6

conclusion: im not a humans type

all my results;

eng: 67.6
maths: 76.5
chinese: 63
lit: 61.5
geog: 62 (not sure though)
his: 81
sci: 72


dos A1, uno A2, uno B3, tres B4




charla here. beside me

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

hoy es sians
yo es la chica.

now, feet currently pain!
suan diao

got back maths
26/40 nia
total 76.5/100
so little.
esther won me

nothing to write.
today boring likexxx
during recess , did the home.ec thing
got lik 14/20 only
and the book 13.5/20?
aiyah fail ding lar.

the amazing race fan.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

hoy es sians
funny spanish

play bball in pe today.
xinyu always very enthu

the art i draw look i monk
very funny leh
re draw it
or else fail.

yesterday tar11 was nice.
c/m fight connecting pro
bqs and e/d not pro
but yesterday roadblock was fun
if i answered.
it would be
a) the teams that u would least trust
maybe romber
b) the most comical team
oswald and danny
c) overrated
d) the team that u would want to work with

no more tar11
looking forward to tar12
charla=china girl celia ong shu hui

Monday, 7 May 2007

rather tired today
because of bball.

got back history. bad bad bad
73/100 for overall term 1 and 2

the mr koh guy very funny.
not bad lar.

bball recre sians
shawn is too pro
next time future coach...
the next yy
next jan
aiyah everything lar
too pro le.

hoy es tired.
(dunnot in spanish what is tired)

bye, finale tonight
e/d wining!!! c/m last. bqs 2nd.

Sunday, 6 May 2007

today also sians.
did the video thing today. finally did finish.
download the rad thing, that converts MOV to AVI. and some cameras have only videos that are quick time.
actually wanted to play on com than take with my camera, but quality too bad and no battery.
luckily got RAD.

later going out.
bro got exams next week. HAHA
my exams long over.
but mum dont allow me to play my PSP. AHHH

okay, tomorrow got TAR finale.
last episode le. but 1 hr de. usually 2 hr finale.
mrs sew want bqs to win (not sure)
and i want c/m to win.
and nobody believes e/d would win.
like danielle didn't win a single leg before, and her 1st win was the million dollars. LOL?
she got yielded thrice.
HAHA. and o/d won a lot of ff. the team which won the most number of ff in the entire TAr series. and they changed detour thrice.(the most too)

tomorrow finale le, must watch. 8-9 am(direct simulcast from US) and 8.30-9.30pm.

Saturday, 5 May 2007

today sian. sian. sian. sian. sian.
none es la chica.
que dia es hoy?
get the heck what im talking?

envy those who get in to the team.
and pity ten.
whose leg ligament is injured or smth, suppose to get into team.
im a lame-o.
nothing to write today, nothing good or bad happen
went to eastpoint, to a manga shop.
if i interested, maybe can learn how to draw anime.

ask you 1 more time,
que dia es hoy?
(what day is today?)

bye, jiahui
yay, monday got tar11.
e/d winning.

Friday, 4 May 2007

Another of my siggies...
Hi this is my siggy. i make it, the bg and stuff, entirely i made it. So if you want me to make any like youself, or characters, tell me. I'll gladly do it. Free now.

YAY. today finally know results for sch team. all the sec 2 got in. DUH. and 4 sec 1 got in. shawn, xae-rl, eve and teo chin got in, and i din't. YAY not so tired anymore, can like man man zuo dong xi coz not in team. Maybe next year like can get in C div coz no sec 2 and we are sec 2 next year. Higher chance. but i dont mind getting in or not getting in, i dont really like bball. No choice no cca le mar. NVM. jiayou shawny, zhen zhen, xae-rl and eve. haha u all rock... and to sanga, esther. also jiayou. seniors jiayou too...

"Oh My God, the Teletubies go to war!" Oswald
bye, hope you will appreciate my siggy.
oswald and danny...

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Today is SIANS
Got back geog, bad bad bad.
fake de lar
at least pass
so total is 62/100(dunno whether count correct)
bball; SIANS
everything to me also SIANS
Okay bye

"Ma' am didn't I tell you not to touch the screen?"
The officer on Charla touching the navigator.

o/d, u still rock,