Sunday, 29 July 2007

Yesterday went to see the public preview NDP. ♥ the fireworks, it rocks. This time showcased the different vehicles, land, air and sea. Much better than previous year. The 2006 was a disaster, sucks horribly. Had 4 mins of fireworks. w00tx. The toilet was not bad. And i got a GREEN funpack. Inside full of rubbish. Sat at the blue sector, the fireworks was just in front only. Actually each sector got each good point, like, the green near to the shears bridge, the yellow very close to the floating platform.


The stadium


The stadium

The ending.

Fireworks at shears bridge

the cd in the bag

the hat!!!

the bag

the goodies

the fannn



look at the no of NEWater




Wednesday, 18 July 2007

today first period was PE, so had my 2.4 run. OMG! i din't hit below 13 mins. SADDED. 13.10, Mrs Sew told me to run to the flag pole there to get my timing, suppose to be at the second lamp-post. AHHH! wasted about 10 secs to run there. Since i went back to class with yinhui and shiyun, so we were later than the rest.

Todays match not bad, spent most of my time writing the score board. Charlene, why you quit basketball!!! go join choir... then if you still in basketball, today maybe can see you!!! TKGS vs NGEEANN. score 38-46.


Friday, 13 July 2007

finally the weekends are here
today 1st period was PE.
i, xae-rl made a pact to walk
haha, then celia say her leg pain. yesterday she got badminton.
then mrs sew see us pain let us walk lar.
so we walk 2 rounds.
then natasha came in 1st with timing of 12.09
fast eh? then later go hall to do sit up.
xae-rl only did 10 and she told mrs sew that she did 58.
lol, 58 was her last year amount.
then mrs sew told the whole class that she got 58 and everyone clapped her

then after school we went to court to do "self" training
zzz. duh we didnt do it. just playplay ball
then we decided that since melody kena scolded by coach on wed,
we wanted to make her happy.
so we went to pluck flower and arrange it nicely into a bouquet.
our plan was to make melody go to the court herself and open the cage and see the flower hanging there. so we smsed her saying that xae-rl injured her leg. so we waited at the corridor and see her outside. then she saw us and asked what happened. after she was halfway walking down, we ran back to court. but our plan failed. she didnt go to court but went back home.

eve, esther and shawn went to chase her but too late. she was already on the bus. we persuaded her to come back and she finally agreed. there was 2 scenario. #1. After she reached court, she would see the flower and then say " OHMYGAWD, why you ask me to come back to see this flower!" #2 "OHMYGAWD, thanks ar, i didnt expect you all to be so encouraging". Luckily it was scenario 2. PHEW.


Thursday, 12 July 2007

yesterday training was so tiring
my thighs hurts

during maths, jing yi called me and chaoxuan to go to the dentist.
so the dentist said that i got a hole in my teeth
and she put in white fillings for me
of course pain lar
than by the time i finished, reccess almost end liao
i took dam long lar
but the teeth that got a hole was a baby teeth
so doesnt matter sooner or later the teeth dropping

then during chinese,
celia got to go dentist
after yanji
during assembly
the malay group performed some dance item
the emcee tongue was short, i suppose
talking dam funny

i love 吴青峰
he rocks
i realised Creamedice sucks

tomorrow doom day
2.4 trial run
my thigh hurts how to run???
my new forum
go sign up


Tuesday, 10 July 2007

today was boring.
but today TKG vs AHS
ahh we lost...
but nvm tk jiayou

during reccess,
bought 5 pkts of french fries for them
so sorry, the queue damn long.
I was the last order.
(Be thankful that you got fries to eat)
okay lar, dont angry.
my fault. make you wait.

then art,
xae-rl walk so slow and when she reach art room
she told mdm seah that we got to go.
so fast?
then we waited outside 1e5 for chin and eve
xae-rl even went to ask mrs sew to let them go.
i ask her if she dare to ask miss foo to let shawn and esther go.
of course no duh.


Friday, 6 July 2007

long time never blog le
no wonder my blog seems empty.

hi, schools pretty boring today
4 lessons only.
during assembly
got so many announcement that i almost died.
drama, english, science and maths
dont feel like going for training later
after seeing choir dont have practices.

i hope training will end at 5 or something.
i miss tagmaking
hates creamedice
loves bon and freshANDbrite

freshANDbrite and bon,

Monday, 2 July 2007

finally changed my skin
after so long
this skin 100& picture i make
and bg
but the codes all this is copied de.

rate it upon 10?
used cs2 for this
and the border took bout 10 tries to make it right.
