Wednesday, 19 September 2007

I don't like blogger. on long hiatus...
Yes. Tomorrow's the EOY for english. Pretty stressed. Stressed over geog. Got back report card. Bad news is I failed geog. And good news is that I am the highest in DNT in cohort.

YAR, todays bus ride was wonderful. those KC girls, damn fuked up. You think we all from cheena ar? Think we all don't understand english????  Say until so obvious. At least say in your mother tongue. And when esther said she was very shan liang, they thought we were saying something bad about her. Lmao. they are big in size, everthing. Is like they must sit there so must sit there. No 2 way route, only 1. so miserable.

hate those

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

I so damn worried i will fail. The story we made today was far ridiculous. What boobs... How can a boob drop out lar? I was obviously writing nonsense. Xae is very irritating in class. Luckily i can shut my ear. Hah.

Who is that VJ boy? What the hell? tsktsk, Xae's in love. Infatuation lar. Puberty period. Stupid celia always get her father to fetch her. Bought sodagreen's album on saturday, at HMV main store in orchard. (what kor said) Sarah really looks like esther. Maybe she found one of someone who resembles her. like Samantha or mum.

exams are near. Pretty worried. this year can screw up but not next year. i screwed up my psle. guess what? misen credited me. She is one of the best GFX artist in this stupid forum. She didn't credit veron. i feel so honoured. talent spotted? is it because of that animation i made for her? Jumpinjelly can easily attract attention. WHY?

I can't stand people who alter their pinafore until so damn high. It is absolutely disgusting and obscene. With their pants sticking out of nowhere. EEW. For goodness sake, please like pull up your pants or something. Do you think you will look cool? cute? pretty? I don't think so, sorry.
Not saying you, you or you. And how long do you all take to adjust your socks? I think someone took like 2 hours just to adjust it directly above her shoes.

Trying to post as long as I can. I don't really like blogging. QingFeng voice so... WONDERFUL. he can sing well. Feminine. And whatever esther said that TVXQ rocks or so, i don't think so.

Hearing - 暫時失控 (Sodagreen)

Friday, 14 September 2007

My results sucks.
English - A1
maths - A2
chinese - C6
sci - A1
geog -F9
his - A2
lit - C6

5 As but i fail and 2 Cs.
Very sad of my failure.
I really mugging my geog and Sci.
If I really do not get A1 for my Science, I will...
Science is my only hope for an A1. It is my best subject. I must really get A1. Pleaseee.

No more forumming from next week onwards. MUGMuGMUG.


Saturday, 8 September 2007

Its less than a month to EOY.
OMG. I'm like even more afraid than last year.
PSLE wasn't that stressing.
So scared I fail. And especially science. I must get A1. Since the previous few papers I got A1s.

Friday, 7 September 2007

Okay. I finally dl drift city. It took me like 5 hours? But quite worth it. For those who want to dl,

Opera> FF> IE. Those who are still using IE, please change to FF or Opera. IE sucks.
I am drawing now. Blending the colour. Next post will let you see the outcome.

♥escape the fate/

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

today went to do CIP at pasirris library. So boring, want to die.
after go watch ratatouille with celia, yenney, sarah, xae and esther. I and celia try not to laugh. Yenney laugh dam loud lar. the loudest was her.
aiyah dont feel like blogging. see must type then don't feel like.
sian lar.


Monday, 3 September 2007

Finished making this. Nice eh? Used photoshop and credits to planetrenders. Misen and myself for the tuts.
You can use it but no ripping. Specially made for tkgs basketballers.

Today whole day at home. Morning mugged sci. hope can do well for science.
I think i didn't render coach well so can see the white stroke outside.

AZELF-1 siggy stand is getting more and more customers.

Penelope -

Maniakidd -

Littlekahkit -

iseedeadplayer -

lordoftheyoshi -

xiaocherdine -

flyithigher -

MushMallow -

AlphaGal -

coach tag rocks

Saturday, 1 September 2007

omg. bearforce1 officially pwns all.
3:18 PWNS ALL.

must watch. 5stars. one and only bear gang.

some quotes that i ♥.
Don't ever give up halfway. Always try to better yourself, until you reached the pinnacle.

True strength lies in on your own, and gaining prowess through your own merit.

Because of me, you sacrificed your dream, your honor... everything.

A person would go to any lengths to protect people who are important to him. Love makes the world go round.

Its loyalty to me, never wavered, and even came looking for me.

Its not about outward appearance, Its about inner self. Each quality one's possesses is so beautiful, so lovely.

It was hit upon me that a gentle soul has the power to console and encourage others.

True beauty lies in the heart! The heart is capable of love.

Even though one's body may rot and decay, Its heart shall remain beautiful for eternity.

Perhaps my new lease of life is a sign. A sign to ignite old dreams.

So long as your possess courage, the world shall be your oyster.

these quotes are excellent. changing my skin soon.

jiahui :DD
♥escape the fate