Thursday, 24 January 2008

feels so fresh and relaxed. the science formative test is over! was quite a boring day, seeing mrs tan twice. and had home ec, baked cupcakes. this round i worked quite well with karerou, we didn't argue much. had fun cooking.

then went macs to eat. macs with sarah, celia, yenney and xae. talked alot of rubbish. trained back home with yenney. saw celia's mother. haha, so tall. but looks quite old (no offense). but shes the youngest, but sarah's mum dont look old leh. my mum also. something we have in common, we are the youngest!

later got gong zhu xiao mei. going to make myself addicted for angela. and taste of love is so =.=" same as cheng zi cheng long. so boring. cannot stand the dragon heroes, after it should be portrait of home, all the quarrellings and most of all FYN! WO YAO BAO CHOU LE!!!!


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