Friday, 25 January 2008

today was one of the most slackiest day! had music, legacy, maths(mrs hoy wasn't around) and chi(newspaper cutting). lol, when i was reading meh wobao, i flipped and flipped then saw this article about tkgs regarding the Os econs. our school did well for econs with 60% distinction.

and today had training. HELLO HELLO!!!! shh shhh, HWAITING!!#&%*#( the bt coach said HELLO HELLO so many times, 29 if im not wrong. since he don't know our names, just say HELLO! then we wanted to call him, "COACH! COACH!" no reply from him, so i called HELLO HELLO, he turned sia. HELLO HELLO is the official quote of the day.

then went to the converse warehouse sale. cramped. mum met up with aunties and shop shop. tired from all the training and shopping. my feet gonna be dead..


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