Thursday, 20 March 2008

learnt about atoms and molecules today. what neutron and proton. but i dont think i will phail this that badly, since i have a super chem freak behind me. And the progress report. wthwth, i was so shocked! i thought i would have been below avg, but surprisingly higher! and thanks to home ec and Art. kr and I can work well. and another shocking thing is that my sci and my geog got band 5 while last year, they were my best subs for eoy.

then went to city hall through 197. strolled raffles city by myself since it was too early, like i mean starting from basement to level 3, walking around the shops. then i wanted to sit to outram or tiong bahru, but didn't because i worry that my bro or mum might already be there. ate Vietnamese food at chinatown. (i saw qianqian and sanwan!) jk.


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