Tuesday, 29 April 2008

BEN AND JERRY FREE CONE DAY! oh wth. i went to pasir ris and the queue was so long so i gave up. and my bro got to eat.

thought that wouldnt get back any paper today, but mrs tan marked it so fast. and wth, i failed my english. fuck that bitch, why is she so selfish not to give us marks. it is so obvious my answer is right and can't she lower her ego and give me that 1 mark. like whats your problem? lazy to change the mark is it? would you feel guilty or something that you made someone unhappy and miserable? you may not know how much harm you caused. but thats what bitches are made of. i am so fucking pissed. you know i never loved to swear but this is the only time i do that because i am damn pissed.

and something pleasing is that i went for the salmon cooking course! it was so fun, we got to eat food and cooked the salmon. and tasted one piece of samon from jimmy chok, the celebrity chef. we cooked salmon roll and salmon pita. both are nice. i like the salmon roll more, (raw salmon) so delicious. at least i learnt how to cook salmon the correct way, and coincidently i just ate salmon for dinner again. and no doubt no ice cream, but got salmon!

i still hate that fucking bitch and i saw her stuck up face on the bus stop.


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