Sunday, 3 August 2008

i love concert

its a day with most events, and meaningful ones.

Koizora first epi
Hot shot first epi
MTV asia awards
SODAGREEN sing with me concert.

the concert was a good one, but without any special guest. qingfeng talked throughout, those stuffs of the teacher and jiakai which was funny! and can remember one part, he said something like "ni men xiang babarian!"

started off with wu yu lun bi de mei li, etc and between, his jokes. everyone started to stand lol, so i go infront and seat. no one cares btw. everyone so high, but i so passive.

then he joked about the teacher and jiakai. kept disturbing jiakai. qingfeng arh~~~ another he said that our english too good, and once he went to order food, he thought that the waiter dint understand chinese, so he spoke to him in english. " i want a yang zhou fried rice" then the waiter replied "cao fan?" look at qingfeng expression then, loled.

during the part where he sung pin lv, he walked around the hall. he was about 1m away from me. omg!!!!!! i cant believe it!

he said that xiang xin was the last song, everyone booed. but everyone knows got encore, so he pretended. haha. encore was piao fu, hong zhu song, lan yan jing, chi dao qian nian and ji nian. ended of with pei wo ge chang.

the concert was a nice one. maybe more details later(its 3/8), since im tired already.

went for the buddhist class, was interesting. the monk so funny. haha.



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