Friday, 31 October 2008

happy halloween.

credits as label.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


my new layout. changed alot from the original one.

tired. my eyes are sunken.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

oh, i love song hye kyo, yui, and younha!
they are soooooooo talented.
am i les?

off to play cooking mama 2 and channel 8. bro's watching nodame cantabile. haaa, i love nodame(juri ueno).

maybe caifang could buy for me worlds within for my belated present? joking.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

omg, im laughing my ass off. sha 2008 top 10 xin wo was presented to she/fahrenheit and yoga helped them to picked up. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. big joke. many more to come.

edit yoga won again. expected.
say goodbye, bye.
wahhhhhh so haru haru-ish

did the cip at redhill, packing and packing and packing and packing.
no money. >,<

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

find me on lj, find lj more user friendly than blogger.

learning cai hong and tuihou. no sodagreen tabs online, only got jay.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

wth i love chinese oldies. they are damn nice la,.....................

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Q, kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
so nice!

and i hate my results, just to sum it up, i got 3 as, 4bs, 1 cs. not overall, just this term. if for overall, i would have 3as, 5bs. i am darn stuupid. i should not have studied so bloody hard. so depressed.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

OMG! i am sosososo depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant believe i scored that LOW!~

never failed any subjects but, all are damn low la.
expected to score higher for some, especially maths and history, which are the most disappointing. wth, i think the more worry i am, the lower i get. last few terms, i didnt really study much, and results showed, i did quite good. unlike this term, i scored super badly la, under my expectations.

results: maybe some people may not find it bad, but i do. i got 60 for english(not bad, since i failed once), 53.5 for maths (HORRIBLE, I DID HELL SO BADLY. I DID NOT GET A A FOR OVERALL, THERE GOES MY TRIPLE SCIENCE DREAM), 73.5 for science, 62 for history(WTF, I STUDIED SO BLOODY HARD AND GOT ONLY 62? SO BLOODY LOW), 82 for geog(damn pleased for this), and 64 for lit(considering we have no genes in lit).

haha. horribly done, and miss ma chao xuan scored so well for all, lowest should be her english, 68.
there goes my triple science dream.
gone just like that.

i love casual poet, so relaxing, peaceful. we went there today, to buy present, never ate anything, but just bought this CUTE rubberband thing for MK. haha, it is so cute, and i love casual poet!

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

i watched finish nodame cantabile. NODAME~~ CHIAKI!~~ haha, and started on tantei gakuen Q. at episode 3 now.

yesterday traning wasnt training, it was a discussion. and after, met xaerl mum to eat the 1.80 chicken rice which was scrumptious. cip at pasir ris library for 3hr and 40 mins. haaa, more like we played there, love the librarian, unlike the indian one, which kept following us(last year), *surprise*she hadnt quit!

today went to bugis to shoppppp! ate the wasabi burger, but no wasabi fries. then went to kino and saw duet, wink up, myojo, potato, junon, play, cool, color..... considered of buying wink up. *chinen looks cute in both*
walked to bras basah, at first went to swee lee(as recommended by peeps), the acoustic and classical guitar both cost a hell lot! and that guy still recommend the $500guitar. wth??? so went to ranking, and bought a classical guitar at $75, dont know whether it is worth it or not, but still, i want to learn.

and i saw aisyah and esther on the way sia. -.-

Saturday, 11 October 2008

081007 Taemin fancam - Love like oxygen & Replay (Tummy ^0^)


081010 Shinee Reality Show : Behind the Scenes (part 20)

minho is alone in his world; and his dog.


shocking Choi SeungHyun





i'll prolly get killed by hot linking. just my laziness. afterall, its just 2 more posts and its gone, ever.

Friday, 10 October 2008

screwed up my chinese test. ha, got like 19/40.

i love turbo. it really works me out. and hell lot sweat so much.

oh, and we are getting our english, sci and hist on wed back. horrible. im prepared to receive the worst news ever.

post exam activities were sort of boring, especially on wed. thurs was okay, like the maths trail and the local underground bands thing, some peeps were crazy! if only it was 933, and invited sodagreen?mayday?won fu?fusion?tizzybac?europa?thislady?desserts? ha. they're not even in singapore. dream big.

got the free guitar pluck from the nokia music bus. and mum going to buy for me a guitar. lol learning with celia. met celia's mum at tm. before we went to eat mosburger.


Monday, 6 October 2008

exams are over! i kept to my promise and not posting.
but i went online everyday.

english: fail (expected), dont even understand the passage.
maths: slight chance of passing, just my intuition
chinese: never write question no. haha, and may pass the compre not the mcq
science: hoping that i would pass. kare rou said those who did c2 failed the question, and i did it. i bet i failed the mcq too.
history: pass?
geog:crapped up some shit and it is illegible
lit: ... no idea what i wrote.
i need to pass overall, like get 70+.
actually the past few days, i went to many places to try studying. like esplanade, changi airport, bugis etc. not sure where i would go the next few days, but i bought this boobs thing for mingkit!
for somehow, i have many things to say but nothing come up to my mind.

sodagreen - shanghai concert, look left, look right
usui&seto - on the same mag, cover

kang and donghee got a tattoo, hope they dont spoil their skin. ha.
is time i do the turbo jam thing, i think it is effective. but nobody shall be at home. or....