Monday, 6 October 2008

exams are over! i kept to my promise and not posting.
but i went online everyday.

english: fail (expected), dont even understand the passage.
maths: slight chance of passing, just my intuition
chinese: never write question no. haha, and may pass the compre not the mcq
science: hoping that i would pass. kare rou said those who did c2 failed the question, and i did it. i bet i failed the mcq too.
history: pass?
geog:crapped up some shit and it is illegible
lit: ... no idea what i wrote.
i need to pass overall, like get 70+.
actually the past few days, i went to many places to try studying. like esplanade, changi airport, bugis etc. not sure where i would go the next few days, but i bought this boobs thing for mingkit!
for somehow, i have many things to say but nothing come up to my mind.

sodagreen - shanghai concert, look left, look right
usui&seto - on the same mag, cover

kang and donghee got a tattoo, hope they dont spoil their skin. ha.
is time i do the turbo jam thing, i think it is effective. but nobody shall be at home. or....


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