Friday, 28 November 2008

seto is fugly as a lady.

and free popcorn; benjerry; coke; hand puppet; vegetarian lunch; coloring book

thanks to duke university.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

awww maybe i should learn some canto from my dad.
hk shows are addictive.
like hog, mr, fh etc.

and japanese shows too.

plus some taiwan shows,
+ korean shows
the world they live in.

shall spend my days left watching series. heheee, addicted le. MR is damn niceeee, FH2 also.

and fell in love with books.
especially by naoko takagi,,,,

going to school for training, im sure im going to be late. checking appeal results too; getting the shock of my life.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

happy birthday hyekyo!
stay pretty always.

bought wonfu tickets

Friday, 21 November 2008

mudkip fans should keep you emotions down,
calm. calm. eat clams?

because i'm going to show you a BIG big discovery,
and the greatest invention of the century.....

(keep scrolling)

(keep scrolling)

scroll... its reaching

because its darn big

and here you are..!!!!


credits on picture.

hehe i realised im a super lame-o.
further more i double posted in lj alr.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

my happiness level just reached it max!

oh, my 1976, crowd, mrs this and wonfu are coming to singapore on jan-feb to perform at esplanade! @ only 21 bucks per ticket. anyone interested in going with me?

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

one of the toughest training after coach tay departure.
wtf my thighs are aching now.
i cannot walk properly, and theres training tomorrow at my dear's school.

how? i got into 3/1, no friends, should have tried for triple science, could have gotten in. karerou just a few positions higher than me and she got in. ewwwwww, 3/6 got evo, cx and kr leh, got more competition then i would do better. tsk. apeeeeeeal.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

back to icon spamming.
i love colouring, but cant make a nice one.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

credits : Batman Bin Suparman @ mdc forum
lmao i laughed uncontrollably.
Is this the guy who go rob UOB City Plaza yesterday? cos newspaper say the robber was a man who cross-dressed...

funnie.. he bothers to dress up, wears necklace, bangles, carries a handbag?? But yet he doesn't bother to keep his hair longer and he doesn't bother to shave or wear makeup.. Can't see whether he applies nail polish or not

but on the other hand could he be a she but with too much male hormones? Possible you know.. I've got a female friend but she was down with thyroid problem at one stage n during that period her voice changed to that of a man n she became v hairy

damn funny la. look at him, never shave, whether guy or girl i also unsure. +1

Sunday, 9 November 2008

changed skin again. love the striking colour!

Friday, 7 November 2008

ARGHH qf looks horrible good in orange.

oh i hotlinked again.
skipped training to go for the breathe event@padang. free bentoset, t-shirt, tons of mineral water. met kr at bugis then went to nlb to borrowed books. thought we were late, but we weren't.

the event was so boring. took 2 yoshinoya bento set, and after went to esplanade/suntec/millenia walk. we were not supposed to leave the padang compound. saw a flock of japanese school girls on the way, thought they were from china at first sight. ate lots of junk food, the mr tan said we could only go back to school at 8.30pm. and the OPENING ceremony@6.30pm. oh zzzzzzzz. saw nat ho(he walked past me and "isn't he the errr naatt ho")/electrico/and 987fm djs.

oh faked the teacher that my bro was my dad as i couldnt contact my parents. ohhhh. lies again.

Thursday, 6 November 2008


似曾相識 deja vu.



kbox the other day. walked like bloody long, training today, skipping tomorrow. addicted to MISS NO GOOD and worlds within.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

i should get into them.

edit: theres 929 and 13 too.
why numbers? records are hard to get, will have to find real hard.