Monday, 9 April 2007

Today rather boring. Got back maths ca marks. Got 34/40. Not bad eh, for a remedial student like me. Xin Yu was upset with her result, but there was a person lesser than her. Dunno who lar. Yan Jie told me that the day we did the test, Sherlyn was crying because she thought that she lost 15 marks. And then she got 3rd highest, 37.5/40, imbar rite? RETARDED. Mrs Sew didnt come today and i told Yan Jie that maybe she Pon School because she wanted to wtach TAr11 at 8-9 am, the direct stimulcast from USA. LOLx JKJK de. She is a crazy fan of U/J and i told her last week that they were going to get eliminated today.

During recess, Melody asked me why wasnt i getting prepared to go to bball court. I told her that i sprained my ankle. She didnt believe me and keep turning back and see me. Actually, I didnt sprained my anke, but my feet flared up and it was very hot but i dont know how to explain. If you dont beleive, you can ask Xin Yu. Because on Saturday night, I played badminton with my bro and i accidentally somehow twisted my ankle. Dunno how the whole feet flare up during maths and it was very hot. Got my science result too. Got 8/10, 2nd highest in class. Tie with Evonne. Shi yun was 1st. Mr Ho gave us the last 15min for revising but everyone of course didn't revise, they were chitchatting. Me too.

Getting ready to watch TAR11. Jia You Oswald and Danny.

Bye Uchenna and Joyce. :(


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