Saturday, 26 January 2008

lol. papa not happy with i and mummy going out yesterday. so today we cleaned the house(mopped the floor, osimed the walls, clean the windows) then he say say, later mummy scold him. he go out duno do what come back with paint. he said he want to paint the house. i think he went out to reflect on being so petty. sometimes what they quarrel is really useless, what for make yourself angry??? we cant be happy always, no doubt, but surely there is something we can do. there are circumstances where everyone is against you, but no matter what, we must keep our cool and tackle it without moods controlling us. we must control our emotions and not let our emotions control us. these few days i see my friends and parents getting angry or sad, and just a few days ago, i was quite emo. may everyone be happy always, if today is well lived, every tommorow will be a vision of hope and every yesterday was a dream of happiness. TOMORROW WILL BE A BETTER DAY, trust me.


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