Sunday, 30 March 2008

2 chicken wings!

Yesterday, i quarreled with my dad just because of 2 chicken wings. 2 chicken wings you would say, is seriously ridiculous and stupid. we went for dinner, and then my mum bought 4 chicken wings and walked back to the table.
"how many wings you buy?" dad
"4" mum
"WHY NEVER BUY 6? 4 not enough one!" dad
"4 is enough already" me

then my dad stopped talking and ston-ed. didn't know he was angry till he didn't wanted to eat. wth. he said i shoot him very directly. never let him order more food. but i did say i can give him mine and we can order other food. and because i don't feel like eating the wing and wanted to order the peanut soup.

"why must she stop me from eating?"
"i didn't stop! i did say not enough can go order more!"

is like wth, quarreling over 2 wings and how petty he can be. my bro went to buy 2 more. as what i can believe, if my brother reject him from buying, he wouldn't be angry. gender inequalities. wth. reasoning it out with him is a torture.

"okay, okay. i apologize. its my fault. why must you make the whole dinner so not peaceful? why must you spoil the whole mood because of 2 CHICKEN WINGS?"
"because you reject me directly."

and the most funniest part is that he doesn't want to eat the wings. and i didn't know my yu3qi4 was so fierce lar. just because of one sentence, he spoilt the whole mood. and now thinking of it, it was really stupid.

2 chicken wings.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Look at my broken cube!

Friday, 28 March 2008

back home! this weekend is going to be a super busy one. with tests next week and almost 10 homework. STRESSED! and yes, so elated to receive positive comments about the banner. i have wasted about 8 hours doing it leh. CIP HOURS?

duno what is this. xae come claim your picture.

my dinner. i am a vegetarian! luo han zhai and brown rice! so yummy!

xae said her bro watch and see prawn! pl0x, so not innocent.
training was stupid. love the waving and scaring the coach part when we were doing the defend around the 3 point line. coach pwn-ed. he asked us to do throw the ball into the net without touching the rim or the board consecutively 4 times. he took so long to finish. kiang hou mai geh kiang. we are going to run 2.4 every training! and thats a good sign, means i would have stamina for cross country and 800m!

can't wait to go to my ah-ma house. can collect my mag and food!

Thursday, 27 March 2008


OUR BANNER! isn't it nice?
tada! thanks to these few days those who had help. we rushed it today. had so much fun but xae was so pissed with us. and obviously we were pissed with her. lots of stupid incidents happened today during the painting at the basketball court. yj and i vandalize the court by helping the school to paint the lines.
AND THE RUBRICS CRAZE IS BACK! remember end of year 2007? Samantha first brought the cube and followed by sarah and celia. they know how to solve the cube! and shiyun brought the craze back! zzzz. i lost the solutions.

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Tuesday, 25 March 2008

teukie is being pushed in the airport.

stayed back to do the banner for the class. it turned out quite okay, but it is not completely done yet. i think there is a chinese test tomorrow, forgotten what it is. hope i do well. and remembered the yesterday's science remedial lesson.
"I thought the fuse must be more than the current flowing through or esle..."
"No! it must be less than 3A."
we were super confused, but yanjie said it should be less then 3A. wanted to question her further, but...
"I wanted to trick you! it should be more than 3A. See how alert you are."

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Congrats angela chang for clinching the top again for longhubang.

and yes, i cut my hair. it looks stupid now, but heck care. who looks at me? who will bother about me? haha. these few days have been slacking.

FRIDAY: went to orchard. bought a korean mag, and went to gramophone and saw yxjx cd! OMG! i was so shocked, didn't know they will bring in their cd. and saw the price, $9.90! 50%DISCOUNT. still got 50%discounts, so total would be about 5 bucks only. and then kor told me he got member card, if he spent 60 bucks he get a 10%discount, that would be 4.50 nia. but too bad we didn't spent until 60.

SAT: time wasted mostly at home slacking. didn't do any significant things.

SUN: another saturday. boring one. thought of a new project, to create a forum for downloading music.

Thursday, 20 March 2008

learnt about atoms and molecules today. what neutron and proton. but i dont think i will phail this that badly, since i have a super chem freak behind me. And the progress report. wthwth, i was so shocked! i thought i would have been below avg, but surprisingly higher! and thanks to home ec and Art. kr and I can work well. and another shocking thing is that my sci and my geog got band 5 while last year, they were my best subs for eoy.

then went to city hall through 197. strolled raffles city by myself since it was too early, like i mean starting from basement to level 3, walking around the shops. then i wanted to sit to outram or tiong bahru, but didn't because i worry that my bro or mum might already be there. ate Vietnamese food at chinatown. (i saw qianqian and sanwan!) jk.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

did mass dance for PE today. and followed by the whole period of watching phantom of the opera. was boring though, and the teacher kept disrupting the whole by talking between. Mrs tan was funny. she is always funny.

shall patch my audition, after years of not touching it and it has fallen into the UNUSED DESKTOP SHORTCUTS. actually having idols is not a bad thing. trusting what they said, will make you a better person. Faye once said that at the end of the day, you would question yourself, "why did you do that?" you will come to a conclusion: LOVE. love is the bride across two hearts, no matter what kind, family, romantic, selfish and friendship love. And she also said change is constant, everything is changing rapidly. Do not expect yourself to have fallen behind if you still stick to the past. these taught me to no constantly think of the past, or realize why did i get angry. yvonne also wants us to put our priorities right, to put her behind family and friends.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Went out today to the temple at outram with my ah ma, ah gong and my 2 aunties. We went on to acm2, to have a look on the nalanda trail. all the artifacts and the security was super tight. I told my aunty who is going to korea to buy a suju mag for me! hopes she does that and not take my words seriously.
theres school tomorrow! ahh!
yesterday i had a very beautiful dream. okay, it regards suju. i miraculously appear at korea, joining a tour group. and group consist of super junior. and there was 14 people in the whole tour. 13+me. how ridiculous can it be right? so i went to the duty free shop and purchase liquor and bought it. the tour leader then brought us to a place to have lunch. i can only vividly remember certain incidents, that what usually happens to dreams. so i went to the toilet and left the whole bag of liquor on the table. and when i came back, the whole packet was gone. so i wanted to cry because it was dearly expensive. so duno how, suju leader, leeteuk was at the counter, so i screamed at him. he asked me what went missing. i told him stuttering, because i could not remember what i bought. the incident when i talk to leeteuk was so touching.

Friday, 14 March 2008

blogging is such a difficulty without any topic to start. and thats what happens during school hols. watching tv and using com to kill time. and i have been staying at home for days. except wed when we went out to dine.

my mum bought this cake from this super well known and expensive cake house. but it turns out not nice. the passionfruit one was delicious, but the mango one reeked of liquor. and i don't really fancy liquor.

and haha, my bro loves to buy textbooks. and he went to nus today buying another new one which cost $50.20. oh wow!

Thursday, 13 March 2008

i hate to blog when my brother is here. he always say that i am very dumb. but seriously do you want to blog that? my sister dong dong one.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

did finish my homework. geog and english. heard 933 just now, the peifen and zhiyong show, they said that sodagreen the wall concert, is very popular online. since, willlin music has very very few workers, sodagreen themselves have to reply back. and mr wu qing feng as the singer of the group, decides to part away 5hours from his sleep to reply the emails. and seeing that the receivers(those who book the tickets) would doubt his is really qingfeng, he decides to call them personally. "这是青峰。。。” and the fans would scream like hell. =.= how nice of qingfeng. ((: if only he could call me.


    第一系列: 3 / 8、3 / 9 及 3 / 12 ; 晚間七點半
    第二系列: (老歌之夜) 3 / 15、3 / 16 及 3 /18 ; 晚間七點半
 地點:The Wall














 1. 身分證上真實姓名(不要用綽號喔!這樣我們不會讓你進來的,因為無法辨別身分。)
 2. 身分證字號(外國人請註明國籍及本國ID號碼)
 3. 欲報名日期的志願順序(請確定你填的日期都能來!)
 4. 連絡電話(請以手機為主)



  2 / 20 前開始寄出,第二系列確認信會於2 / 28 前寄出。

  望!另外,由於三天曲目相同,參與3 / 8. 9 的觀眾朋友要幫我們保密內容到12號,
  而參與3 / 15. 16 的觀眾朋友要幫我們保密到18號喔!







1. 吳美麗
2. S543843838
3. 優先順序:3月8號 → 3月 12號→3月 9號 (若8號名額滿了就會到12號的場次,
4. 0938938938


1. 龔漂釀
2. Q547847878
3. 3月8號 → 3月 12號 (為免混淆,不能來的日期不要寫上)
4. 0978478478

P.S. 如果同一封的兩個好朋友希望不要分開,在選項3就盡量寫一樣的答案!
像範例中,如果處理到美麗與漂亮的信件時,盡量會讓兩個人在同一個場次, 例如3 / 8
或 3 / 12,若8號和12號的人數全滿,就會讓美麗參加9號的演出,而漂釀無法報名到!


and karerou told me this week YOU1ZHOU have an interview with sodagreen. wth? everyweek got snippets of sodagreen, means i have to buy it every week. if this continues on, i will be BROKE!

Friday, 7 March 2008

last day of term 1. time seriously passes so fast. oh wow, thats life, unless we can make time.

had music, watched phantom of the opera. the lights were off, a good time to sleep. and yes, i did slept. coach was so...

as i was very lazy to change, so i made up a excuse, say i got headache. but fake one lar. then i feel like playing, so esther and i changed and told coach we okay liao. then esther said her class got 10 ppl sick. i tagged along lor. "so you feeling okay? so fast? after you seat here?""GO RUN 5 ROUNDS!". then we ran 5 rounds for not doing his drills and plus another 5 rounds as xae piggybacked chin. i don't know today how many rounds we had ran. ((:

hating is more tiring than being hated.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

2/29 (五) Joanna 百分百聽證會 小豬+小鬼
3/01 (六) 郭采潔 我家也有大明星 小豬+小鬼
3/02 (日) 楊宗緯 粉絲同樂會 小豬+小鬼
3/03 (一) 曹 格 藝能發表會 小豬+小鬼
3/04 (二) 小 宇 LIVE 小鬼+五熊
3/05 (三) 小鐘 NoNo 百分百大對抗 小豬+艾莉絲
3/06 (四) 陳 昇 LIVE 小鬼+吳克群
3/07 (五) 梁文音 我家也有大明星 小豬+小鬼
look at this. heng on mon never take sun show. or else yang chong wei.

had exam for home ec. didn't know how to cook the noodles and the tau suan. not sure how much we will score either. don't really wish to pull down my 90/100 marks for the previous one. kr and i effort! so proud of it.

bought u weekly for 1 page, no 2 page of sodagreen. but quite worth it. got quite a no. of things to read.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

I finally get my com back! wow. is like 1 month. everything is still there, my works, my softwares. i miss my photoshop, can get to touch it is so wonderful. i havent been doing siggies for a month or so already, i bet my skills are dead.

i phail-ed geog.

Monday, 3 March 2008

haha. got 63 for my history. much improvement from fyes last year which i got 32. WOW! and had a so-so time today. not much to blog either.

yesterday at home too bored. so drew some rubbish. 100% guarantee i draw.

dbsk the jaejoong. dont look like him. not that i like him.

yuya tegoshi. no face no time.

LIGHT YAGAMI! dont look like him =.=

Sunday, 2 March 2008

updated the charts on my blog. =.= oh i drew some pictures, going to take pictures of it later.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

3 ulcers.

i have 3 ulcers!