Wednesday, 30 April 2008

as expected, got back my history today. quite surprising, considering i scored an a2 overall. and that is good. and during chinese i begged mr ng for that one mark and he gave it to me so i have 2As now. OH WOW! (and i fail)

laughed hard at the mr bean's girlfriend. then went to video world to eat. geog remedial canceled. talked about shebangs. aka coach NEW.

hands would move in circles
-when eating
-shiting(imagine the poo everywhere.)
-holding the umbrella

and mr neeeww is so screwed. he somehow looks like william hung. lol. did the bird dance during training. and my hip hurts. -.-

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

BEN AND JERRY FREE CONE DAY! oh wth. i went to pasir ris and the queue was so long so i gave up. and my bro got to eat.

thought that wouldnt get back any paper today, but mrs tan marked it so fast. and wth, i failed my english. fuck that bitch, why is she so selfish not to give us marks. it is so obvious my answer is right and can't she lower her ego and give me that 1 mark. like whats your problem? lazy to change the mark is it? would you feel guilty or something that you made someone unhappy and miserable? you may not know how much harm you caused. but thats what bitches are made of. i am so fucking pissed. you know i never loved to swear but this is the only time i do that because i am damn pissed.

and something pleasing is that i went for the salmon cooking course! it was so fun, we got to eat food and cooked the salmon. and tasted one piece of samon from jimmy chok, the celebrity chef. we cooked salmon roll and salmon pita. both are nice. i like the salmon roll more, (raw salmon) so delicious. at least i learnt how to cook salmon the correct way, and coincidently i just ate salmon for dinner again. and no doubt no ice cream, but got salmon!

i still hate that fucking bitch and i saw her stuck up face on the bus stop.

Friday, 25 April 2008

Oricon: Top 18-year-olds for 2008
Wednesday April 23, 2008 Japan

Submitted by crunchster

Top 18-year-olds

Source: J-drama daisuki@multiply

Oricon recently conducted a survey asking which of the celebrities turning 20 seem likely to have a successful year. The research firm asked the same question about those turning 18 (between April 2, 2008 and April 1, 2009), and the #1 answer by a wide margin was figure skater Mao Asada.

The rest of the top ten choices consisted of actors, actresses, and two Hey! Say! JUMP members.
In order, the list included:
2. Kii Kitano (Life)
3. Haruma Miura (Gokusen 3. 14 sai no haha)
4. Saki Fukuda (Life. Daisukii!!)
5. Yuya Yagira (Nobody knows)
6. Kanata Hongo (NANA 2)
7. Hikaru Yaotome (Hey!Say! JUMP)
8. Mitsuki Tanimura (Pandora)
9. Kei Inoo and Kento Hayashi (tied for 9th)

Thursday, 24 April 2008

吻得真逼真 - 张敬轩is on yes 933 now! my favorite song!

geog was quite hard. i changed my answer from plantation agriculture to wet rice then at THE LAST MINUTE changed to shifting cultivation. i really meant the last minute, so for the following question related to it, i only changed the agriculture but not the answer. but luckily wet rice is about the same as shifting, eg labour intensive, low capital inputs. haha, hope i scrape through it.

lol, mrs tan was so funny lar. yinhui asked me to bring my fan and yesterday went to dig my house cannot find last years one, (the one got words) but found 06 one. then yinhui spoiled both. wlao. -.- i got 2 more 2006 one but not going to bring in case someone spoils it.

"yinhui, stay focus"

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

I SCREWED UP HISTORY! like wth, for the seq, i wrote education, healthcare and discrimination. FAIL FAIL FAIL! only can kao on maths or chinese, in which i already passed chinese with a B4.

Sunday, 20 April 2008

next week is the exams week. wth. i haven't studied geog, maths yet. the only subject i really studied is history. GOOD LUCK, should start praying. (:
on sat i went swenson earle at t3. lol, i saw eve! haha.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

today's geog lesson is so funny. lmao and until my stomach hurts. talk about luomaikai, what chicken rice and the most funniest part is yinhui and i aiming and throwing paper into the bin. i seriously never pay attention. ((:
but im so stress. havent study for geog, science, history! going to fail chinese! omg, why i go and change the answer from 4 to 1, 4 marks gone leh! can make up one grade.
OH< CONGRATS TO XAEERL AND SHAWWN for being the capt and vice respectively. wahaha. ((((: laughed tooooo much today. esp geog lesson.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

saw the m's today. marshall and maverick! i dont think they recognize me. waha, but i recognize them! MARSHALL! how can you forget me? last time p4 we shared so many stupid jokes about miss toh! remember?

stayed back a while to do the chinese project. and watched the model and japanese video, + KEN LEE~! we are gonna imitate those models. worse of the worse, we got back our maths paper. thought i would fail or borderline pass, but in the end got 26.5/40. that was quite good considering the 3rd highest is jingjing, 27.

i am so bored/

Monday, 14 April 2008

tan and fair mas selamat

looking at boys


So renzhen?

Looking at boys!


Pictures galore! haha. bugged by jingyi to update. yesterday went to changi simei cc to do the music project. today actually wanted to go for remedial but no space, so no choice go to library use computer. haha.

Friday, 11 April 2008

i shant blog since i have nothing to blog, a mental block.

ohkay, i remembered. firstly, it was music. quarreled with kr since she wanted to re do the whole project. the lyrics, the music. but considering we only have 3 more days to do it, she still insisted.
then after talking to miss ng, she decided to give in and say redo the music.

went to macs for lunch. then shared icecream with shawn! esther paid $1, shawn $0.30, and i $0.20. haha, then she spilled it on her blouse. because tc laughed and laughed about the hotspring thing i told them. i remembered i wasn't wearing anything then but i am conservative, (sgeans are) so definitely will cover mar. but it was shiok! training was STUPID! i hope i lost some calories or i would be slacking.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Calories crazy!
i love seeing calories, influenced by karerou! theres science, geog test tomorrow. going to fail geog again. -.- huang lao shi is so bad lar! he said that someone in the class asked another to do her work, and said is me! wth. do you think i will ask someone to do my work? i where got so bo liao. i can ownself write. and my handwriting changes from time to time. if i put in effort to do, it would be neat and nice, whereas if i didn't, i would be messy and untidy. how can he anyhow say! im so pissed. i can write it all out for you if you don't believe, im not so despo until like that.

training was okay. stupid, we being goalkeeper. and before that lunched at video world. kr started taking photos! i followed suit.


Tuesday, 8 April 2008

[MV] Super Junior M - U

super junior m has debuted! go see their mv, smexy scenes from all the members esp donghae. HAWTie. zhoumi the face abit too long, nose tooo sharp. while violin boy henry is okay, his proness violin skills. wookie changed so much. kyuhyun still the same. hankyung, siwon and donghae so hawt!

angela is back in taiwan. she would be coming singapore in may and having her concert in june.

i think the most funniest thing that happened today is miss su telling us about mrs tan upset about her blouse being stained. HAHA. was laughing all the way. and ironically, mrs tan still wears light colour teeshirt!