Friday, 2 May 2008

happy birthday sun mi and belated for koyama and yanjie.
oh got back literature, it sucked but it is not bad for me considering i sucked in lit. wasted one whole period on chinese, whereby we slacked. AND THANKS TO JINGYI FOR GIVING ME THE CHOCS! went to parkway to eat after that. super tired of eating fast food, so ate bread! next week if we go there again, i won't eat fast food. i haven't been eating junk food for the past 3 weeks! congrats.

esther dragged me along and told coach that we cannot train under the sun. we then argued a hell lot as he din't want to let us train. wth, u think you know us better than we know ourselves? who do you think you are? when would you know i am itchy? and i have been to countless of doctors. luckily my parents bought the spa thing or i would be scratching like wth now.

koji seto.

and i gave up... i'm so tired.


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