Tuesday, 5 August 2008

i created a wretch account.
just updated ytd, planning to make friends with qingfeng, ah fu etc on their wretch.


dismissed at 12 today.
know that we are going out but not sure where. yanjie mom allowed her to go out, went with her and kr. kr wanted to go with shermaine evo etc, but convinced her to go with us then she can see what she like because we got the same interest.

XAE! LAR, force us to wait for her bus to come, wasted my 30mins leh.

then took 32 to bugis to look at kino and new mags, after ate at yoshinoya. trained to dhoby ghaut later, from bugis to cityhall we walked from the first cabin to the last. bo liao karerou idea.

went to plaza sin daiso to buy buffer, $2. wanted to buy toys for the kids, since cheap ma. then walked to heeren, long walk sia!!! almost dead already, i no stamina le. last time can walk from orchard to bugis leh, now from dhoby ghaut to orchard die le.

went to hmv and see albums, heard by2, and dian jam's song. walked to taka's kino, yanjie bought a dbsk china mag. kr found yamada yusuke books. hahas later walked pass pepper lunch, kr spotted this guy. say look like yuya yagira, so we rewind back, practically, to see the guy looks. looks abit like koji+yagira.

then went down to the basement and ate the fish thing! so nice.

went back to catch yulebaifenbai and the hotel. yvonne pregnant and cheated again. hahas. gave birth in the lift lol.

多希望你在. .....


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