Friday, 13 April 2007

Yesterday didn't blog.

Today, During enrichment, in the studio have to take out shoes. Everyone seen my feet plastered up and like seeing me lor. So weird. PSPS. History so fun, because can talk to Mrs Sew about TAR11. She today talk about democracy and everyone keep asking question till lesson end.

After lesson, I realised that we have to recycle stuff or else got punishment. So die liao. Shi Yun and Emelia all pao diao. Nobody help me. All run away. Luckily got Shawn and Esther and help me. So we went to bring down the box of rubbish. The man said the whole box was rubbish and only got some newspapers. In the end, our class only got 200+g. So, I, Shawn and Esther go buy food. Then at the shop, I and shawn eat 1 packet of twisties take so long. We waiting for esther to buy her drink at 7eleven. Then, we saw Teochin when walking to bball court. We talked alot.


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