Friday, 30 May 2008

Double Happiness

Read mypaper and then saw this article about sodagreen yanchanghui in singapore. So happy, after, heard radio and faye said that they will come singapore for yanchanghui. Double happiness.


sodagreen / SING WITH ME TOUR

2008苏打绿《陪我歌唱》巡回演唱会: 8/2 新加坡@MaxPavilion


random caps i took of娱乐百分百 2008-05-29

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Spammed psp and maple today. >_<

Friday, 23 May 2008

last day of term 2. i miss everyone! (>_<)

schools out! watched grease during music, and almost fell asleep. slacked during legacy, packed xae's books. miss su said i couldn't collect xae's report book. (^O^)

got back report card. not bad. but somehow there seem to be changes in my home ec marks. i thought i had gotten 90 for home ec? how come it shows there 77 for term 1? my overall is an a2! not bad though. showed my parents the card and they asked,
"got 7as meh?"
"see the ca2. there, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7."

supposed to wait for xae to come to school and pass her her books. but i din't want to wait since i would be holding up esther and her friend. also not sure when she would arrive. i passed the books to miss su and she gave me that >:o look. who cares man.

looks like i get distracted easily. thats what written in the comments section. but i think thats my nature, like when people ask me questions, i wouldnt directly answer, i will pause a while and give that "huh" look. - distracted?

Thursday, 22 May 2008

2nd last day of school. brought back lots of book. 3 more lessons to hols. going to chiong maple again. i think the last time i played maple was with sarah, xae they all. after i stopped, went foruming.

the man on the bus was so digusting. i think he had his dentures on and kept making noises. he also spat on the floor. im so disgusted.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

tagged by chin&xae
name 20 people you can think of right now.
don't read the questions until you've named the 20 people.
at the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.
1. Qingfeng
2. yuanjie
3. xae-rl
4. tchin
5. celia
6. yanjie
7. karerou
8. jingyi
9. kojiseto
10. brother
11. caifang
12. yvonne
13. sungmin
14. esther
15. shawn
16. sarah
17. ziying
18. leeteuk!
19. donghae
20. faye

How did you meet 14? [esther]
What would you do if you never met 1?[qingfeng]
but i would surely see him on9.
What if 9 and 20 dated? [koji and faye]
quite a nice match. don't think they will understand each other.
Will 6 and 17 date? [yanjie and ziying]
Describe 3. [xae-rl]
When is the last time you spoke to 13? [sungmin]
never in my life time
What is 2's favourite singer/band? [yuanjie]
yuan wei jue xing obvious
Would you ever date 4? [tchin]
Would you ever date 1? [qingfeng]
Is 19 single? [donghae]
hope he is. i want him too!
What is 10's last name?
Would you ever be in a relationship with 11? [caifang]
bff possibly
School of 3? [xae]
same class
Where does 6 live? [yanjie]
What is your favourite thing of 5? [Celia]
Have you ever seen 2 naked? [yuanjie]
in xialiushehui album, half naked.
5 people to do this:
(skip this)

1. At what age do you wish to get marry?
2. Who are the ones more important to you? Friends or your boyfriend?
friends. no gossiping without them
3. Who is the person you trust the most?
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
half half
5. If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
to live very long and travel round the world carefree!
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
i never looked up the sky.
7. What is your goal for this year?
slim down, grow taller, good class, see yvonne again.
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
9. Have you broke someone's heart so badly he/she tried to commit suicide?
im not sure
10. What feeling do you love the most?
down the roller coaster!
11. What the requirements that you wish from your other half?
good heart, love me, care for others
12.What feeling do you hate the most?
being hated
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
14. Do you believe in GOD?
im a buddhist
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
thing? my computer or tv
16. Who cares for you the most?
17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
(; XD (>.<)(^∀^)(^_^;) 18. What have you regretted doing in your whole life? many minor stuffs 19.If the time hmm..rewinds, when will you want it to be? p4. 20.Would you wait forever for someone you love? he must love me too. Instructions: Remove one question from above, and add in your personal question. Make it a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people. List them out at the end of the post. QUESTIONS I WANT TO DELETE: 16 QUESTION I WANT TO ADD: Who do you want to meet? qingfeng again. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all :D (na)
Bored people do boring stuff.
don't feel like blogging since got screwed up this morn. downloading maple for the hols.

arghh, i want to LA now. but its too late fer hollywood bowl.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Happy Birthday Koji Seto. 瀬戸康史.
you are handsome and young always!

oh, went to parkway today in the afternoon. wanted to buy any korean cds, eg SM wintertown or something like that, since i did not expect Sodagreen's live cd would appear in stores so fast. But little did i expect, i saw sodagreen's live CD. of course i bought it, but it cost a whopping 25 bucks. so happy, since i see their single there too. i currently have their first, second and third album. but no singles. i want the chi dao qian nian one!

Then went to borders to have a look at the cook books. i found some on salmon.

Suju now in LA. Hollywood Bowl. wah i want to go.

Friday, 16 May 2008

a rather RANDOM nostalgic picture.
begin off with lit. miss ang was staring at me the whole lesson, making funny faces. ((: no1 boliao.
science was okay, no pms yet. chinese was so funny, huang lao shi said he like our class and then we never respond to him about his opinion, suddenly he angry with us. he is always like that, but the kindest teacher. (:

went to pp. then went school and watch korean shows. HENRY LAU!(proness violin skills; wish i could have them). LEE TEUK and HYUK JAE(cute english). training was pretty fine. except got karate chopped by SHAWN~ did some lame dances too.

feel so sad for the victims of the cyclone and the earthquake.
080515 Sina SJ-M Bless all the people of the disaster areas

she didn't talk to me today.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

you made my day with that blog post of yours. thanks!



So the Paparazzi look like that.

Today in the studio practicing
For several days I felt like vomiting and my stomach not feeling well.
So the members decided to force me out to see a doctor and not sing.
So teacher drove me to the doctors.
Anyway, the doctors was just beside the market where teacher wanted to buy fish.

After i got the number, they said i had to wait a little while.
So I went to buy lunch
Return back to clinic and it was filled with patients, so i sat at the door to eat.
when i was going to eat the chicken drumstick,
i saw two black cars parked at the entrance of the clinic.
i didn't suspect anything then, until when i saw there were three to four cameras shooting me.
then i realized that this were the entertainment industry's so called paparazzis.

But I was really hungry, and did not want to bring the food into the clinic.
i just ate outside of the clinic.
of course they went on shooting.
the passer-by(Uncle) still asked me what they are they taking pictures of.
i said i don't know. i asked uncle to play with me.
but uncle did not want to play with me so i felt lonely.
those paparazzi are brave, even if my mouth if filled with popcorns. like my drumstick?

anyway, my number was called and i went in to see the doctor. the paparazzi followed.
they might think i don't know anything.
paparazzi are like your friends, even when you are sick, they still follow you.

In short I think this is all very fresh
it is also interesting to observe their every move
Anyway, I only wanted to see a doctor, is it so serious?
is it so special for me to see a doctor that they wanted to shoot me for the first time?
and this has to be first time, feeling abit sad.

Later, nurses told me that there might be another bigger celebrity a doctor.
i was just 顺便 kena shoot

Sounds even more so sad, my first time being shoot by the paparazzi was just 顺便.

went back to office and told everybody my experience.
didn't expect teacher to call
and said that the reporters told teacher that he would be on the newspapers.

dont' tell me this is the second time on the newspapers after the HITFm dj 丰凯 close interactions with me.
But also have a second boyfriend of a sex scandal?

But think about it
only <<左边>> mv female lead rumors about the gf thing,
for a singer, is abit of a disgrace.
Direct translation by me!

Qing Feng is so funny. HAHA!
and today was quite boring. cut my acrylic, think it screwed up. but nevermind. i got back home ec and art!
HOME EC: 75.7 (3rd in class)
ART: 93!
pulled up my overall and i think its 71.9 or something?

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Happy Flies/Bug/Worms day!
i see some of them now.

Went for the team singapore breakfast thing. ate lots and saw the team singapore athletes. zhao lei is friggin tall; 1.86m. wth? and the Indian basket baller is taller, 1.98m. played matches with them and they were giving us chance. "go for layup!" and esther hit straight to the rim. (:

late for chinese class, seems that the teachers know about this event. a bad choice to choose this day for this event, considering history miss su wasn't here, and they did nothing for art!

slacked a bit for training. how do you expect to catch a ball like that? zzzz

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Yu Le Bai Fen bai~

Mother's day cake!

random jap food my mum brought back from her office!

went to cafe cartel to eat. later bought the green tea cake for mum.

Friday, 9 May 2008

Kare rou's MUM
and my mum, (mothers day lol)

waha. got 70 for lit. A2. no A1. and my chinese got 72! wow. i improved! got a little angry about the class chalet thing. actually i can go for anything, but i rather class outing then class chalet. and sorry if i made anyone angry. because i'm not in a good mood either. haha.
then went to parkway to buy present for mothers. but i long planned to buy the breadtalk cake for mum, since i also want to eat. shawn bought chocs, and i and esther shared the potato sticks. NICE! it was nice. chin bought mos and esther bought the bake rice from pizzahut. stole a little from her.

training was so so. actually we let the other team to win, and they didn't let us. still snatch our ball! and chin jy, don't anyhow throw ball already. Jiayou.


some random gossips:
you know what? i actually realise that i have been wronged. on wed, i thought i did real badly for my geog and on thurs, my marks surprised me. *she received negative comments about me, i think she being biased against me. 1st: as i said above, she said i did badly for geog, but i din't. 2nd: she said i deproved. but i improved. 3rd: she told me my behavior was getting from bad to worse. but i am listening in class, i seldom talk already, whats wrong? 4th: she said that in order to be good in history, you must get 17 and above. wth, i get 15 is already good and i got 72 for my overall. i think it was quite good and i see people failing. 5th: xiang fan de, yinhui said she told her that she received positive comments about her. and why is it that we are just sitting beside each other and teachers are so observant to realise that? i think this is all planned. she hates me. and i tell you, i previously liked her but after that talk, i hate her for how she hated me.