Monday, 28 January 2008

arghhh! my back of the leg is seriously RED!!! is flaring up! my eczema is back!!! NOOOOOO!!!! now i cant even bend my right leg, and the meat there is damn hard. oh no, what to do???? can i walk tomorrow? walk with a limp? most likely. haha, then i don't want to go PE tomorrow.

my com crashed in the afternoon. switched on then later cannot work. tried numerous times but cannot. then i used my bro's com(took advantage since he is not back yet), went to watch yu le bai fen bai, came back, shut both coms down, and tada can work now! but sooner of later have to reformat it. its gonna die....

yohhhhhhhhh, i FINALLY bought truth be told. kept it under my cupboard. saw celia's mum again. haha, yenney and i were laughing. lol. on the bus saw my mortal. we were talking talking and how yenney failed to snap me and my mortal together. she's one head taller than me and lighter than me! WAHAHAHAHAH!!!#$


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