Monday, 30 April 2007

Actually today feeling much better than yesterday
suppose can go to school today but woke up late.
Doctor say already gave me MC.

whole day with idiot, stupid, noob, dumb, gong kia bro
he should wake up at 8.00am but when i woke up 8.30 am he havent wake up yet.
then he still dream that he can watch amazing race.
then i scream at him.
"WEI 8.30 liao, my amazing race"

amazing race half way gone le.
Oswald and Danny eliminated le.
But they say they sincerely hope that Charla and Mirna would win.
I agree.

nxt week finale. 1 hr finale. most of the seasons not 1 hr finale but 2 hour de.
Okay just wondering, i read my tag and saw what hui qi type.
what 28/40? i very pro meh? wo shi sui bian luan xie de leh. all i anyhow write de.
and hui qi, not i dont know that today got school, is i sick lar. got fever. but hao le. YAY
and celia worst, got fever, flu, no voice.... so many...
"Oh My God, the Teletubies go to war!" Oswald on seeing Charla with a military suit in Guam.
bye, rooting for c/m to win

Friday, 27 April 2007

iim learniing tuu be a twiit.
tryiing to type like a twiit.
but cannot leh.
still like normal person.
TWITs are damn irritating.

Todays maths was tough,
i think i fail leh. hope get 19.5/40 then can get A2.
today history de shi hou, mrs sew didn't want to give back the paper.
then i ask her what i got.
"I only tell you when you tell me who won the amazing race."
I was like ZZZ, my history marks=winner amazing race
Duno whether information correct anot, but suppose E/D won.
So told her that.

today actually thought not tiring, but worse.
what canteen, sians
run and run, jiao duan le lar.
jump, defence and carry the leg or whatsoever, (walking with your hands)
all tiring
Realised that all the seniors treat me okay now, maybe some still hates me but okay ba.

Then stupid boy told me that he got 4 days off. SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY. wah so good de, monday his sch fang jia.

E/D won(i suppose so, not sure though)

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

sian now
super sian
must revise
dontknow wheter mr ng teach correct anot
or the mrs lai correct
so confusing.

Im failing everything
all subjects sure fail de
i this kind ren sure fail de
wad lit, sci, history, geog all fail ding lar
all anyhow tu on it.
wont fail chinese
51/80 for test, aiming for B3.
and wont fail maths
currently pass le
1st CA got 34/40
st got 16.5/20
hope A1.
Last time C5. HAHAS
Some quotes from TAr11,
"We're going to trade you for food now." Oswald
"Let's make love, not war" Mirna
"Yeah. The way you look.' On Kandice from a Local.
okay, forgotten all le. nvm
but lovee O/D. Ahh, Guam OUT.
Next week leh.


Tuesday, 24 April 2007

feeling sad.
nothing to do
o/d mark for elimination
u r good racers!
o/d. o/d
i wan to see u rl
i know nxt week u all eliminated
mirna and scmirna
quite good
esp mirna
so funny
always "my fren"
"my fren"
"lets make love, not war"-Mirna

Sunday, 22 April 2007





(for those who hates me)

Friday, 20 April 2007

WADEVA. today so short. nothing to write.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Lets not talk about school.
But like that nothing to blog.
Didn't realise that today was the practice for the whatever big science competition. Teo Chin and Yogga also in.
Bball sians. Run so many times. 77 leh. TIRED. But still below average. For the whatever lay-up stuff, also below average. 3 nia. But for the free throw thing, I above average, 4 leh. Then, aiysah deaf de, i ming ming you count de then she still say wo mei you count dao. So obvious she don't like me. Anyways if you don't like me, like can you PRETEND to like me. It parking OBVIOUS. Jan also, say what i shoot so soft, i cant pass and i admit it, but i know that.
The enrichment teacher told us a joke. Her philippines maid always thought that 'p' is pronounce as 'f' beacuse of philippines. So, one day, her maid told a story to her daughter. One day, the big fad fig went to the fark. LOLX. so she said that if her husband friend came to their house, then gang hao the husband was parking their car, So she will say, Sir is FARKING the car.

ozzy and danny rocks

Monday, 16 April 2007

Aiyah today dam sian. Faster write, or else die liao. Change skin. Tag can't see ar, use mozilla firefox.

Morning, realise that today got chinese compo, scared like hell so go 2/4 borrow dictionary. Nobody have, sad lor. So borrow from 1/6. Lucky faiqah de fren have dictionary.

During recess, Got bball training. SAD. Duno wad did Xae-rl said to Aisyah and she don't like me. AHHH! What 6 dribbles? I did 6 and they did more. SAY me never say others. WHAT NONSENSE, ming ming zai zheng dui wo. FEI HUA>.

After school, went to eat instant noodles. Then later on the bus stop, met poh yee. At MRT station, i accdentally called Celia celia girl. HAHAZ, so funny. WHAT cheryl or whatever, xin yu english name. Yan Jie was called Yan Wo or Yan Ji. LOLX.

Later, Oswald and Danny 2nd last race le. SAD. Not seeing them anymore. Today TAR11 non-elimination. PHEW. No more Oswald and Danny after this this race. WAHHHH! I Like them.

Seeing you later, Oswald and Danny, On TV
Jia Hui.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Yesterday also didn't blog. Sianz. Went to orchard and mum go collect spectacles. She still have $100 taka voucher so we go spent. Came back quite late.

Today, Actually wanted go kelong zou zou. But i didn't wanted to go. So we change our mind and go swimming at downtown east instead. Kor and i of course didn't swim, we walked in the pool practically. Then, go eat at Kopitiam. This stupid boy, duno why dont want to eat. Now then i know that his hair was long so wanted to go Bedok to cut hair and eat there de bar chor mee. LALAx. Stupid eh. Now surfing net. SIANZZZ.

Friday, 13 April 2007

Yesterday didn't blog.

Today, During enrichment, in the studio have to take out shoes. Everyone seen my feet plastered up and like seeing me lor. So weird. PSPS. History so fun, because can talk to Mrs Sew about TAR11. She today talk about democracy and everyone keep asking question till lesson end.

After lesson, I realised that we have to recycle stuff or else got punishment. So die liao. Shi Yun and Emelia all pao diao. Nobody help me. All run away. Luckily got Shawn and Esther and help me. So we went to bring down the box of rubbish. The man said the whole box was rubbish and only got some newspapers. In the end, our class only got 200+g. So, I, Shawn and Esther go buy food. Then at the shop, I and shawn eat 1 packet of twisties take so long. We waiting for esther to buy her drink at 7eleven. Then, we saw Teochin when walking to bball court. We talked alot.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Okay, Just this sentence and no more else for today. To bring the video down but not deleting it. I love the song but so outdated. Somehow reminds me of the future episode of TAR11 when 4 teams are left in HONG KONG. Dunno why leh, I'm outdated and I don't like Jaychou but he can compose but cant sing. Maybe Jay from Taiwan so its somehow related to Hong Kong and I linked it to the Show.

Trying to bring this post as long as i can. Then, can see taggiE. :) Yesterday abit sad, U/J gena elminated and they lost like hell. Why must they take the risk? Even Eric told them that an international flight need 45mins to check in and they only have 1hr in Frankfurt. Their plane arrived 10 mins late and they cannot buy tickets to Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Also feeling sad because Oswald and Danny only have 2 more episodes and they going to get eliminated. AHHH> I wan to see them in action! And they got 4th yesterday. They are good racers and Danny got angry with Oswald yesterday. Danny thought that only need to eat 1 cookie of each box. But Oswald didn't beleive it. Danny, you are wrong! Eric and Danielle got yielded by D/K. No wonder at spoilers, there wasn't any photos of U/J. They were far too behind. SAD, they were still optimistic and I aslo support them.


Mrs Sew didn't come again. We missed our PE. Hui Qi thought that she yesterday record the part that Phil said " Uchenna and Joyce, I'm sorry to say that you have been eliminated out of the race." She might have just repeated this till she sian. Everytime she repest, she cry. Thats why she didn't come today because her eyes red. JK de lar. Not true. Then the huang lao shi duno what mood scold our class when he relief. I was laughing then he scolded me too. WTF??? During chinese class, he said to me that you know why you are scolded. I was in a blur. ZZZ.

Oswald and Danny, Go! Go!

Monday, 9 April 2007

Dunno why but addicted to this song. I'm abit outdated. Supporting Oswald and Danny all tha way!
Today rather boring. Got back maths ca marks. Got 34/40. Not bad eh, for a remedial student like me. Xin Yu was upset with her result, but there was a person lesser than her. Dunno who lar. Yan Jie told me that the day we did the test, Sherlyn was crying because she thought that she lost 15 marks. And then she got 3rd highest, 37.5/40, imbar rite? RETARDED. Mrs Sew didnt come today and i told Yan Jie that maybe she Pon School because she wanted to wtach TAr11 at 8-9 am, the direct stimulcast from USA. LOLx JKJK de. She is a crazy fan of U/J and i told her last week that they were going to get eliminated today.

During recess, Melody asked me why wasnt i getting prepared to go to bball court. I told her that i sprained my ankle. She didnt believe me and keep turning back and see me. Actually, I didnt sprained my anke, but my feet flared up and it was very hot but i dont know how to explain. If you dont beleive, you can ask Xin Yu. Because on Saturday night, I played badminton with my bro and i accidentally somehow twisted my ankle. Dunno how the whole feet flare up during maths and it was very hot. Got my science result too. Got 8/10, 2nd highest in class. Tie with Evonne. Shi yun was 1st. Mr Ho gave us the last 15min for revising but everyone of course didn't revise, they were chitchatting. Me too.

Getting ready to watch TAR11. Jia You Oswald and Danny.

Bye Uchenna and Joyce. :(

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Yesterday went out with my relatives to Harborfront. Then, we ate at the dragon gate restaurant. Vicky wanted to go to the toilet, so we all followed her. then, she went into the cubicle. she peeped at me 1st so i asked aizhen and jingwen to go in cubicle to peep at her. aizhen was holding felicia handphone at that time, but didnt now how to operate at camera function. she pretended taking photos of vicky urinating. vicky screamed damn loud, and jingwen, renwen,felicia and i laugh like hell until our stomach pain. HAHA, vicky PWNED>.

Then, duno who suggested to go to sentosa. I wearing jeans damn hot, same as vicky and felicia. So, they went to book for the songs of the sea ticket. when we saw the some sort of the "roller coaster", we wanted to sit on it. Everyone went and we buy combo tickets, Sky ride, duno whether correct a not, and luge.

Stupid boy ride the luge so fast. He told me he was inspired by 2 young boys who were practically flying. LOLX. The song of the sea was a quite nice show, actually i thought that it was boring. Luckily, stupid boy knew where the best seat was. PHEW. We got one of the best seats. We were having a picnic there. Seating In front and behind all tourist. I was quite wonderful with all those effects, especially the Fire part. I was quite tired after a long day which i thought i was supposed to be relaxing. So reach home at 11pm. :)

Thursday, 5 April 2007

Today, Xin yu sock diao le. She like her angel so much and wants to STALK her! Mrshoy is so faker, she 2dae never come and then yesterday claimed that she left our test paper at home. Wah Kao, gu yi dowan give back de. And then today got suprise, i tot my maths very lousy, never expected that i got selected for AMC. HAHA. shermaine didnt got in and i got in. LOL. At recess, Xinyu wanted to sit beside Jiayi but dont have guts de. Chinese de shi hou, I cheat in exam. HAHA. Yan Jie also cheat. Luckily, China girl block us form Huang lao shi. Everyone except hui qi mei you bao wo ji ge! this hui qi ar, so guai gia.

Ozzy and Danny rocks!
Okies. Have checked the ip address le. WAh seh, damn irritating spams here and there. GEt a life, dude.

Yesterday training wasn't so bad either. Teo Chin and I didn't be defenders and we were standing in the shade some sort relaxing. The rest offered themselves and they had to try and defend. It took 45mins and like wasting time de. Sanga didnt know how to pronounce yiying name and she said ying whee. HAHA.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Today then i realised that mrs sew watches TAR 11. and i like TAR11. I support Oswald and Danny or, team chachacha. Mrs Sew supports U/J or Uchenna and Joyce. Then, during history, she say who got watch yesterday TAr11? Got the auschwitz stuff and the concentration camp. i told her that i got watch and i got spoilers. after her lesson she ask me what i meant. then i tell her that u/j eliminated next week. she was like.... WHY U/J GENA eliminated? I SUPPORT them. She told me that during TAR7, she cried when U/J won. Okay, xinyu tell me that she actually didnt win the ... ic. Kasuki won it. she told me to keep it a secret and she doesnt want aqilah to know.

ozzy and danny rocks.

Sunday, 1 April 2007

I don't like to blog as nothing good or bad happens to me. ZZZ xinyu so lucky de, can get individual champion. SO PRO HOR? what bout me \, nothing?