Tuesday, 29 January 2008

ONG SHU HUI CELIA!&$*^( why you today never come to school? took my states of mind, heng you today mrs tan never go through!

today had a really bad bad day. woke up with my right eye supeeer red, and my leg cant bend. yesterday went to see the doctor, then the doctor charged me $35 for one cream. wlao, so expensive. because my eczema came back and i started scratching. use tiger balm then flare up lor. my mom complained the trip back say that the doctor so... consultation fees so much never tell me why my eyes red. i think i lack of something, my eyes big so what? no need wear specs so what? MY EYES ALWAYS RED!!!

then today had the sexuality talk. i was practically sleeping the whole talk, although the talk was quite interesting. luckily mrs tan never go through the states of mind ws, and thank yanjie for going around class by class to borrow a ws for me. =.= got back my science formative test, wasn't what i expected, expected a little higher, never mind, this proves that i got to work harder for my CA. and to those who failed, don't be too upset over this test, work harder!
ps: someone is seriously TYCO today.



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