Thursday, 31 January 2008

yesterday went to chinatown. ate lots of things plus bought lots of new year goodies. i cant each much now, with a big ulcer on my lips. =.= AND MY COM SPOILT AGAIN! using my bros com now.

today was a okay okay day. had personal recount test where i wrote about my trip to tw, i know i will fail. i got back my chinese compo, 30/50. not bad liao. as mr ng said that above 30 is considerably okay. baked pizza today, turned out not bad. sarah said it smelled like what they sell outside. compliment! and 1st time working with nikita, hope it we will work peacefully.

then had assembly, stupid xae-rl play with the badminton racket, then we pressed on skin, see how much fats we have. MDM LENNY CAUGHT US! omg, then we stood at the side of the hall, so embarrassing. didnt know we would kena booked talking during assembly. haha. wootx, sarah must be gloating now, my first booking slip. i was cleaned in pri sch, then felt relieved when kr told me she also got a few booking slip for skipping naf.

went home dad wasnt at home. called him he said he was in the hospital. i wondered what happen. so he come home unhappy, say he got heart problems. dont know whether is true, then he said he needed to go back to hospital to collect his blood test. he keep saying he is going to die, it is all fated, then i cannot stand it tell him off, "if all its fated, then you must have the will to continue living. then we must live our life to the fullest so you wouldnt regret. if you have not much days left, dont think you would die, instead, spent the remaining days left happily." so we went to cgh, then found out the result was all okay. no problem, perfectly alright. on the way back i scolded him, if you got difficulties breathing, cannot say you got terminal disease. it a totally different thing. what the hell lar.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

ONG SHU HUI CELIA!&$*^( why you today never come to school? took my states of mind, heng you today mrs tan never go through!

today had a really bad bad day. woke up with my right eye supeeer red, and my leg cant bend. yesterday went to see the doctor, then the doctor charged me $35 for one cream. wlao, so expensive. because my eczema came back and i started scratching. use tiger balm then flare up lor. my mom complained the trip back say that the doctor so... consultation fees so much never tell me why my eyes red. i think i lack of something, my eyes big so what? no need wear specs so what? MY EYES ALWAYS RED!!!

then today had the sexuality talk. i was practically sleeping the whole talk, although the talk was quite interesting. luckily mrs tan never go through the states of mind ws, and thank yanjie for going around class by class to borrow a ws for me. =.= got back my science formative test, wasn't what i expected, expected a little higher, never mind, this proves that i got to work harder for my CA. and to those who failed, don't be too upset over this test, work harder!
ps: someone is seriously TYCO today.


Monday, 28 January 2008

arghhh! my back of the leg is seriously RED!!! is flaring up! my eczema is back!!! NOOOOOO!!!! now i cant even bend my right leg, and the meat there is damn hard. oh no, what to do???? can i walk tomorrow? walk with a limp? most likely. haha, then i don't want to go PE tomorrow.

my com crashed in the afternoon. switched on then later cannot work. tried numerous times but cannot. then i used my bro's com(took advantage since he is not back yet), went to watch yu le bai fen bai, came back, shut both coms down, and tada can work now! but sooner of later have to reformat it. its gonna die....

yohhhhhhhhh, i FINALLY bought truth be told. kept it under my cupboard. saw celia's mum again. haha, yenney and i were laughing. lol. on the bus saw my mortal. we were talking talking and how yenney failed to snap me and my mortal together. she's one head taller than me and lighter than me! WAHAHAHAHAH!!!#$

Sunday, 27 January 2008

yay~! downloading the 2007 hit fm top 100. thats a seriously bigggggg file. about 1gb. not going to hear those 100 songs. maybe some? hear a few by a few then wont be so bored. only 15%. =.= i think by friday then i can finish downloading. my com is really slow and my speaker aint working. WHAT TO DO??? (the government cutting cost).

okay, i've decided. tomorrow after school i shall go eastpoint ts to buy truth be told. i have been dragging it and telling myself to buy it but in the end i haven't bought it. and i shall just keep it in my cupboard until next year or so then i watch it? because till now, my parents dont know i fancy yvonne. and i cant play it on the big tv screen, my com speaker is spoilt.

and people have been treating me as a mini counselor. maybe my future job? what lies in my future is uncertain yet. haha(:


Saturday, 26 January 2008

lol. papa not happy with i and mummy going out yesterday. so today we cleaned the house(mopped the floor, osimed the walls, clean the windows) then he say say, later mummy scold him. he go out duno do what come back with paint. he said he want to paint the house. i think he went out to reflect on being so petty. sometimes what they quarrel is really useless, what for make yourself angry??? we cant be happy always, no doubt, but surely there is something we can do. there are circumstances where everyone is against you, but no matter what, we must keep our cool and tackle it without moods controlling us. we must control our emotions and not let our emotions control us. these few days i see my friends and parents getting angry or sad, and just a few days ago, i was quite emo. may everyone be happy always, if today is well lived, every tommorow will be a vision of hope and every yesterday was a dream of happiness. TOMORROW WILL BE A BETTER DAY, trust me.

Friday, 25 January 2008

today was one of the most slackiest day! had music, legacy, maths(mrs hoy wasn't around) and chi(newspaper cutting). lol, when i was reading meh wobao, i flipped and flipped then saw this article about tkgs regarding the Os econs. our school did well for econs with 60% distinction.

and today had training. HELLO HELLO!!!! shh shhh, HWAITING!!#&%*#( the bt coach said HELLO HELLO so many times, 29 if im not wrong. since he don't know our names, just say HELLO! then we wanted to call him, "COACH! COACH!" no reply from him, so i called HELLO HELLO, he turned sia. HELLO HELLO is the official quote of the day.

then went to the converse warehouse sale. cramped. mum met up with aunties and shop shop. tired from all the training and shopping. my feet gonna be dead..

Thursday, 24 January 2008

feels so fresh and relaxed. the science formative test is over! was quite a boring day, seeing mrs tan twice. and had home ec, baked cupcakes. this round i worked quite well with karerou, we didn't argue much. had fun cooking.

then went macs to eat. macs with sarah, celia, yenney and xae. talked alot of rubbish. trained back home with yenney. saw celia's mother. haha, so tall. but looks quite old (no offense). but shes the youngest, but sarah's mum dont look old leh. my mum also. something we have in common, we are the youngest!

later got gong zhu xiao mei. going to make myself addicted for angela. and taste of love is so =.=" same as cheng zi cheng long. so boring. cannot stand the dragon heroes, after it should be portrait of home, all the quarrellings and most of all FYN! WO YAO BAO CHOU LE!!!!

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

haha. today was a boring day. seriously boring. going to study for the sci formative test for tomorrow, hope i can do well, as good as last year. hohoho, mr ho was a good science teacher, i can understand him. must adapt to miss chiam's teaching.

training was emo time. xae keep talking about how she was "ill-treated". she is always sad, take things toooooo seriously. do you all ever see me sad and angry over something? no right? because i don't take things so seriously. this is life, we must learn to let go. taking words to hard may built up hatred, and sooner of later you will regret it. i don't like the regret feeling. some are born to be loved, some aren't. its fate. do you rather want your life to be full of hatred and resentment? or a one fully lived?

Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.

there will be a better tomorrow.

Monday, 21 January 2008

look at this! my dad collected this amount of chopsticks. how wasteful can he be...

today's subjects were boring. and the mrt broke down. took 9 then 10 to school. was late lurh. 10 before chai chee and temasek was full, after the stops was so empty. luckily lit test was not on first period. my bro die lor, his exam first period.

actually the sst today sucked. the sec ones were not bad, but the bt coach was......... the gay or female coach would make a better one compared to him. was totally disappointed. i once looked forward to today(monday, 21 jan 08) but now nothing made my day. exams, test, exams, test, SUCKERS. cant we have life less stressful, why this ks school exams start so early? and why they employ such bt ppl? and the today is not on favour with me. maybe the train broke down was a good thing as i could skip some lessons, but...

Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.

Look to this Day!
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In its brief course lie all the
Realities of your Existence.
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And Tomorrow is only a Vision;
But Today well lived makes
Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well therefore to this Day!

well, i shall look forward to every day a make my life well lived. although it might be boring at times, live life to the fullest!

Sunday, 20 January 2008

haha. yesterday went for the spop thing. stand at the 3rd storey. was a little late. missed 4 songs. not bad. my mum said that diya's voice was nice, but the 2 campus superstar boys voice ruined the whole song. the 8310 and marcus. then carrie's voice also no power.

today staying at home to revise. got lit, chinese, hist, geog and science. so many tests. lol. celia says my blog very not nice to read, because no pictures.

our bt coach. look so weird compared to other coaches.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

cca promo just over. was a disaster. o well, basketball isn't the favourites. woke up at 7 just for this thing, then walked around the school, set up the booth, only a few classes visited ours. so boring, played at court most of the time and tried softball. i suck. cannot even bat properly. saw the choir, yenney performing, and heard the band over the system. haha sarah, i didn't support you! then we had to clear up, (not all cleared up, some went home) slept on the bus ride back home. was too tired to take the mrt, so took bus as i could seat the whole journey back.

pestering my mum to go for the S-POP thing at eastpoint. starts at 3. im going! oh theres this giant show tomorrow that features yvonne, watch it!

Friday, 18 January 2008

today bdiv had match against chungcheng high. lost badly... was filming the whole match. coach asked us to do it. hand and legs tired from all the standing. and before that, we saw broadrick vs bedok view, dunman vs ngeeann. and esther loves 9 & 12 from broadrick. and xae-rl loves 15 from ngee ann. omg, all the infatuation. and seeing the seniors play, i am scared that this years cdiv will lose until no face. i only remember this guy from c____ sec no 10, quite cute lol. the rest have no yin xiang.

school was okay. guess i am going to fail maths. really don't know how to do. week 4 got lots of test. sci formative, lit, chinese. going to get stressed out. and tomorrow eastpoint is going to held the SPOP thing. want to go chou re nao. hahah. (: but have to study or else say byebye to my results.

Monday, 14 January 2008

so sian. hahaha. im still using wordpress. not this. just for my testing of skins.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

hi. its been how many months not posting. hmk not done yet.