Friday, 15 February 2008

coach-ed ):

omg. wth. i am going to fail everything. no confidence for everything. even my best sub, sci. and worse is maths. i didn't get 0 or 3. wth. FAIL FAIL. mum going to ban me from tv and com.

i seriously thought today would be a fun day. training with the sec ones. but in the end, =.=/ he sucks. and he really sucks. first, we clarified whether he acted he shou zu. and he said he acted in many more show. i can't help but to oppose him. im so sorry.

"what are the main factors that help you to choose the team?"
"i see everything. your height, your skills, your attitude." and he goes on talking. i cant remember. if he could, i bet he would say your boobs.

it seems that xae-rl and tc likes to talk back. i dont see the need to be scared of him. and training sucks like hell. obviously the juniors and us have different standard, and why must we train with them? dont tell me to bond??? and what about our last year? our trainings, werent they wasted? our efforts? and you think our standard is on par with them? WTH? in the end, we would all lose out, with the juniors all in c'div. and he thinks cdiv08 tkgs will get into the second round and by 09, we will be top 4 in east zone. how big your dreams? firstly we need a potential coach. i think you consider yourself as one, since you think we can make it. okay. okay.

sui bian, i just think he sucks. i bet you.


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