Tuesday, 12 February 2008


omg theres 2 tests tomorrow. sci and hist. gonna fail hist! haha very sure. science hope can do quite well. studying halfway for science and later 5 to 7 gonna take break go watch tv or eat. must study for geog too. since tomorrow got no time to study.

today was a ... day. started out with pe. thought we would have to run. but there was this project. stupid xae-rl pulled me out and i was a group leader. so i asked sarah to join me and 2 others came. STUPID conversation with them almost killed me. or rather take my life. i agreed with her suggestion on the game. and about the rules. we find that her rules were somewhat redundant, we didnt agree with it. and she talk and argued non stop, yinhui and i tried to counter her. "RULE 1. CANNOT USE 2 HANDS TO DRIBBLE OR ELSE FREE THROW TO THE OPPONENT." wth, what kind of rule is that? *rolls eyes* if nobody does that, then why do we need a rule.



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