Tuesday, 5 February 2008

finally can use the com. only temp. my dad say the acer guy is coming soon. how soon i don't know. lol. and just heard 1003, they said that the bigger the boobs you have, the smarter you are. so how to figure out someone is smart? see their size of their boobs. lol. super lol.

and just finished the cny celebration. quite okay. got back my maths results yesterday. the 30% one. yay, i passed. wow! 11/34 ppl pass. 16/30. actually my this term results arent not that bad afterall. hope i work harder. and xae forced me to go rec yesterday. the bt was so arss, duno what about seeing prawn, and we were just playing with the ball and he came to us, wanting 3 on 1. can we dont agree? no eh, and he said we didnt play our best in the match and just play with the ball. wth???? i really hope we can change back our previous coach. i miss those times, now i dread to go for training.

and tmrw have to eat with my uncles and aunties. oh man, i hate it. i just cant communicate with them. haha. regretted not staying longer for the mdc studios thing, if not could take pic with yvonne!


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