Saturday, 9 February 2008

last few days went visiting. uncle aunty houses. later going out to another uncle house. going to miss my you fu. =.= i cant understand the resistance, current, potential difference things. and plus history, what unsuitability of penang and bencoolen, competition for more land, treaty... havent study geog and maths, and hope i can just scrape through history and science. have faith in yourself!

is seriously stressful with exams after cny. wlao. my angpao also not much. sian. luckily i got record the carlsberg cny celebration show. got yvonne+hanwei. lmao. they sung the xiao he he song. hanwei cant sing for nuts! hahahahaha. very meta-ish. wanrou+ouyang. i miss meta@$&*^ think of that makes me laugh, and no more thinking about the science. can anyone tutor me for science, i scared i phail. help help!U(@Y*$



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