Monday, 25 February 2008

everyday is passing. it is going to be the end of term one. goals, i achieved some. but my results are plunging. oh wow, got back hist. 16/25, b4. thats good for me since i got 32/100 last year for eoys. xae talked to me about chin talking back to coach. (or should i even call him a COACH?) i love chin's attitude towards coach. it just makes me happy seeing people defying him. and had lit performance today. was macduff, and see that the class laugh at me makes me more jubilant.

the best was chinese, huang lao shi came in to the class and started collecting money. he did for 15 mins and then duno who went up to talk about a chengyu. after that, he said he lost a stack of money about $300. he had 2 stacks(one was the sec2 and the other was the sec3). so he search and emptied his pocket but still cannot find. he was practically searching for his money, looking at how flustered he was. and yes, we wasted a period for searching his money. MONEY STATUS STILL UNKNOWN.


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