Monday, 18 February 2008

PWN-ED. almost failed science. wth, now my science sucks unlike last year, where i excelled. im so sad, doubting my own ability. and with the fact that i almost failed science, what about the rest of the subjects? won't they be worse? since science was the only one i scored a1 for overall. OMGOMGOMG. idead.

and yes, xae and yan keep talking about the ah long pte ltd on the bus ride back home. AH LONG~ w00tx. it was really funny similar to just follow law esp the indian security guard. and the "you have to write in, cc the boss, hr department, finance, etc. It takes 3 days to process, everything must be in black and white." his movies are for laughter, guarantee wont eat up your money if you like to laugh.

and i bought bella. the cover was yvonne. and sodagreen is coming to singapore this weekend. on friday they are going to have a qian chang hui at chinatown point. IM GOING!


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