Thursday, 21 February 2008


i could not blog yesterday however, i still vividly remembered what happened yesterday. and oh my gawd, he sucks. i heard that he would be putting all the sec ones (3 sec ones got in liao) into c div as claimed they were better than us. of course, they would gladly listen to you. but i won't. i don't see you as a coach. i bet i won't be in c div, i already know it. never mind about the c div part, because i know we will lose badly if all the sec ones are in. and pl0x, they have only gone for 2 trainings you expect them to be better than us and u think your 2 trainings = our over 100 trainings (2daysX52weeks=104). what the hell? and the sec ones cannot even run 2 rounds around the court properly. and what about your throwing? didn't you tell us to have a forward momentum when throwing? didn't i do that? and you told me that i cannot throw straight to the net when i have the ball and im throwing from my chest. you are dearly contradicting yourself. and one thing, can you pronounce properly? CONE and BOWL. i clearly don't respect you, if you want my respect, please respect me first. **** OFF. and how do you throw? please please, **** off. (edit: jingyi finds it so unpleasant)

okay, tomorrow will be going for sodagreen's qian chang hui at chinatown point. and i bet tomorrow will be a better day without seeing him. i shall not hate but to disobey.


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