Tuesday, 26 February 2008

newS new album.

NEWS got new album!

i know you must be gloating now. i cannot stand your damn attitude. so what? you think by saying those you will be better? sometimes, i seriously think you should shut your mouth.

music was terrible. "ANYONE HAD NEVER WATCHED HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL?" i didn't, for my entire life. really. because i hate watching english shows, and who the hell i would know what is the high school musical plot. the only thing i know about hsm is the song, "together" and "breaking free". because that was my pri sch prize giving celebration performance and we had to play that in our recorder. whats wrong meh? i don't watch hairspray, duno what musical. i watched the first half of 881, do you consider that a musical? why must certain people look at me in a different eyes?

okay. whatever. I CAME IN LAST FOR HIGH JUMP! im so happy. expected. i can only run long dist, short dist and jumping all fail. oh, i wondered how i got 30 for my napfa. ((((:

i still cannot forget the feeling of qing feng shaking my hands. he is soooo cute. no matter how much it hurts, no matter what the pain is inside, work hard to make somebody happy everyday, even if it is yourself.


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