Friday, 29 February 2008


29/2/08. bad day; coach-ed again.

didn't go for yj concert yesterday. and cgirls badminton came in first for east zone. haha. celia you did it! watched the lit performance today. quite nice, so much better than us.

and went pp. bought some food for myself but in the end kena eaten up. and there was this wonderful incident that happened. we were at the foodcourt, then we saw this table empty, so obviously we would go chop the seat. then a min later, this man came up to esther and ask,

"wheres my duck secret?"
esther being emoo, shook her head. then unknowingly, another fat guy ask us again,

"wheres my secret?"

we all cannot interpret him well, then he goes off saying,

"chao c***b**!"
"chao ang mor lang!"
"bo tak zek!"

do we look like ang mor? should that be a compliment? luckily xae didn't reply, or we would get bodied slam. haha.

then we "CHAO ANG MOR LANG!" everyone, with whatever hokkien inside, lao bu, lao pei, limpei. and the jingyi phrase, i knnbccb, ******* pcb. haha. coach said we were late. he asked the secs 1 to come but didn't call us. what do ya expect, he said we were late, "GO RUN 5 ROUNDS!" whatever.
told eve to take out her gun, then coach rolled his eyes at us. wth?? haha. haha.
he sucks BIGGG time!

Thursday, 28 February 2008

got 75 fer chinese. so happy and 90 for home ec. thanks to karerou and i for our effort. the wasabi cookies and the advert and the box. surprisingly, mrs sin said our box wasn't good but in the end gave us quite high.

oh my mortals so nice. cut out a sodagreen's article and gave me. but so sorry i already have it. (: and xae in love with BONBON. hah.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

newS new album.

NEWS got new album!

i know you must be gloating now. i cannot stand your damn attitude. so what? you think by saying those you will be better? sometimes, i seriously think you should shut your mouth.

music was terrible. "ANYONE HAD NEVER WATCHED HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL?" i didn't, for my entire life. really. because i hate watching english shows, and who the hell i would know what is the high school musical plot. the only thing i know about hsm is the song, "together" and "breaking free". because that was my pri sch prize giving celebration performance and we had to play that in our recorder. whats wrong meh? i don't watch hairspray, duno what musical. i watched the first half of 881, do you consider that a musical? why must certain people look at me in a different eyes?

okay. whatever. I CAME IN LAST FOR HIGH JUMP! im so happy. expected. i can only run long dist, short dist and jumping all fail. oh, i wondered how i got 30 for my napfa. ((((:

i still cannot forget the feeling of qing feng shaking my hands. he is soooo cute. no matter how much it hurts, no matter what the pain is inside, work hard to make somebody happy everyday, even if it is yourself.

Monday, 25 February 2008

haha. uploaded some of my sodagreen's pictures.
haha. uploaded some of my sodagreen's pictures.
everyday is passing. it is going to be the end of term one. goals, i achieved some. but my results are plunging. oh wow, got back hist. 16/25, b4. thats good for me since i got 32/100 last year for eoys. xae talked to me about chin talking back to coach. (or should i even call him a COACH?) i love chin's attitude towards coach. it just makes me happy seeing people defying him. and had lit performance today. was macduff, and see that the class laugh at me makes me more jubilant.

the best was chinese, huang lao shi came in to the class and started collecting money. he did for 15 mins and then duno who went up to talk about a chengyu. after that, he said he lost a stack of money about $300. he had 2 stacks(one was the sec2 and the other was the sec3). so he search and emptied his pocket but still cannot find. he was practically searching for his money, looking at how flustered he was. and yes, we wasted a period for searching his money. MONEY STATUS STILL UNKNOWN.

Friday, 22 February 2008


yea. i know you sensed something, somehow i don't know how to express it. school was okay. got back my maths results. 70/100 A2! and i passed my chinese. and had heats after that. my heats were slow, not the good runners. came in 2nd just behind the 1st runner since i didn't sprint at the start. i was relaxing arranging my pe shirt.

YO! i saw sodagreen. went to chinatown point early. shook qing feng hands. so shuang and HIGH NOW. his hands are so warm. tomorrow maybe going to the concert at zhi wu yuan.


Thursday, 21 February 2008


i could not blog yesterday however, i still vividly remembered what happened yesterday. and oh my gawd, he sucks. i heard that he would be putting all the sec ones (3 sec ones got in liao) into c div as claimed they were better than us. of course, they would gladly listen to you. but i won't. i don't see you as a coach. i bet i won't be in c div, i already know it. never mind about the c div part, because i know we will lose badly if all the sec ones are in. and pl0x, they have only gone for 2 trainings you expect them to be better than us and u think your 2 trainings = our over 100 trainings (2daysX52weeks=104). what the hell? and the sec ones cannot even run 2 rounds around the court properly. and what about your throwing? didn't you tell us to have a forward momentum when throwing? didn't i do that? and you told me that i cannot throw straight to the net when i have the ball and im throwing from my chest. you are dearly contradicting yourself. and one thing, can you pronounce properly? CONE and BOWL. i clearly don't respect you, if you want my respect, please respect me first. **** OFF. and how do you throw? please please, **** off. (edit: jingyi finds it so unpleasant)

okay, tomorrow will be going for sodagreen's qian chang hui at chinatown point. and i bet tomorrow will be a better day without seeing him. i shall not hate but to disobey.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

lydia sum passed away. RIP. life is so unpredictable, on the way back i saw the lianhe wanbao, with her on the cover. remembered her laughter, smiles she had brought to people, in the hk industry.

stayed back at school for a little while. and we had fun pasting stuffs on the table. now my table is filled with magazines cut-out. im so worried for everything, my science is so weak now, what about the rest of the subjects? what should i do?

today was a super super boring day where i almost slept. especially maths. =.= theres training tomorrow with juniors and the bt coach. and he sucks. can't you see that? even chaoxuan says he is abit weird. can we even change coach? or are we going to be stuck with him for the rest of my years in tkgs if i don't quit? please, please, i cannot stand it anymore with a coach don't bothering to remember our names, not entertaining our questions, what kind of coach is this? is like a stranger to stranger conversing. and even a stranger wouldn't be so rude not to ignore your questions. wth is this?

i shall name my son qingfeng and my daughter wenting. ♥

Monday, 18 February 2008

PWN-ED. almost failed science. wth, now my science sucks unlike last year, where i excelled. im so sad, doubting my own ability. and with the fact that i almost failed science, what about the rest of the subjects? won't they be worse? since science was the only one i scored a1 for overall. OMGOMGOMG. idead.

and yes, xae and yan keep talking about the ah long pte ltd on the bus ride back home. AH LONG~ w00tx. it was really funny similar to just follow law esp the indian security guard. and the "you have to write in, cc the boss, hr department, finance, etc. It takes 3 days to process, everything must be in black and white." his movies are for laughter, guarantee wont eat up your money if you like to laugh.

and i bought bella. the cover was yvonne. and sodagreen is coming to singapore this weekend. on friday they are going to have a qian chang hui at chinatown point. IM GOING!

Friday, 15 February 2008

coach-ed ):

omg. wth. i am going to fail everything. no confidence for everything. even my best sub, sci. and worse is maths. i didn't get 0 or 3. wth. FAIL FAIL. mum going to ban me from tv and com.

i seriously thought today would be a fun day. training with the sec ones. but in the end, =.=/ he sucks. and he really sucks. first, we clarified whether he acted he shou zu. and he said he acted in many more show. i can't help but to oppose him. im so sorry.

"what are the main factors that help you to choose the team?"
"i see everything. your height, your skills, your attitude." and he goes on talking. i cant remember. if he could, i bet he would say your boobs.

it seems that xae-rl and tc likes to talk back. i dont see the need to be scared of him. and training sucks like hell. obviously the juniors and us have different standard, and why must we train with them? dont tell me to bond??? and what about our last year? our trainings, werent they wasted? our efforts? and you think our standard is on par with them? WTH? in the end, we would all lose out, with the juniors all in c'div. and he thinks cdiv08 tkgs will get into the second round and by 09, we will be top 4 in east zone. how big your dreams? firstly we need a potential coach. i think you consider yourself as one, since you think we can make it. okay. okay.

sui bian, i just think he sucks. i bet you.

Thursday, 14 February 2008

happy valentines day

hello. happy valentines day everyone. went out with your other half???

had geog today. haha. screwed up again since i didn't revise. i only on tv then watch watch since got gong zhu xiao mei. everyone going crazy today. chocs, roses, presents everywhere. girls lar... had hot date with mrs hoy today. mrs hoy asked us not we ask her. all down for remedial. sat celia's car home. realized the her father doesnt like people to talk.

changing my skin. tired of ywjx. very long to load. and my com very laggy. wish myself good luck for maths tomorrow, and all my test don't fail. oh, there training tomorrow with the SEC ONES!. and thanks whoever who gave me stuffs. i am those niao type, don't expect gifts from me. since today i was late so i rushed out, no time to take stuffs. oh maybe i should pack chocs and give you all???

yvonne updated her blog liao. all the pictures so pretty. ((((:

Tuesday, 12 February 2008


omg theres 2 tests tomorrow. sci and hist. gonna fail hist! haha very sure. science hope can do quite well. studying halfway for science and later 5 to 7 gonna take break go watch tv or eat. must study for geog too. since tomorrow got no time to study.

today was a ... day. started out with pe. thought we would have to run. but there was this project. stupid xae-rl pulled me out and i was a group leader. so i asked sarah to join me and 2 others came. STUPID conversation with them almost killed me. or rather take my life. i agreed with her suggestion on the game. and about the rules. we find that her rules were somewhat redundant, we didnt agree with it. and she talk and argued non stop, yinhui and i tried to counter her. "RULE 1. CANNOT USE 2 HANDS TO DRIBBLE OR ELSE FREE THROW TO THE OPPONENT." wth, what kind of rule is that? *rolls eyes* if nobody does that, then why do we need a rule.


Monday, 11 February 2008

hello! back from school. bro not at home now. im so sian. dont feel like studying now. maybe a hour later? must really study i scared phail. anyone knows any webby for the edison scandal? i want to see. asianfannatics took all of them down. havent bothered to check any other forums.

yesyes. later fei er is going on yes933 for wo de zhu ti ge. haha. haha. seems like i have nothing to blog. and the past few days i have been watching tv. the dong you ji is the stupidest. wth lar. he xian gu, tieguaili, long san. and youfu. omg. hongyun in the toilet sunbathing. "the sun come out from the toilet bowl is it?"

went visiting from toapayoh to yiochukang to duno where. havent bothered to count my angpao money. surely not much. and saw my cousins. all of them quite tall mar. tian tian 1.7 leh. the steven 1.8. his mum and dad like my parents height why he so tall? fei zai is the biggest. 1.75 sec 1 this year. johann (isit?) hair is so weird.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

last few days went visiting. uncle aunty houses. later going out to another uncle house. going to miss my you fu. =.= i cant understand the resistance, current, potential difference things. and plus history, what unsuitability of penang and bencoolen, competition for more land, treaty... havent study geog and maths, and hope i can just scrape through history and science. have faith in yourself!

is seriously stressful with exams after cny. wlao. my angpao also not much. sian. luckily i got record the carlsberg cny celebration show. got yvonne+hanwei. lmao. they sung the xiao he he song. hanwei cant sing for nuts! hahahahaha. very meta-ish. wanrou+ouyang. i miss meta@$&*^ think of that makes me laugh, and no more thinking about the science. can anyone tutor me for science, i scared i phail. help help!U(@Y*$


Thursday, 7 February 2008

happy chinese new year!!!!!

yesterday ate at toa payoh there together with my relatives. saw all of them all so tall. zzzz. only see them once a year. lol. i have a cousin whose hair is super funny. haha. later going out. bai nian. hohhohoohoo. no mood to blog.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

finally can use the com. only temp. my dad say the acer guy is coming soon. how soon i don't know. lol. and just heard 1003, they said that the bigger the boobs you have, the smarter you are. so how to figure out someone is smart? see their size of their boobs. lol. super lol.

and just finished the cny celebration. quite okay. got back my maths results yesterday. the 30% one. yay, i passed. wow! 11/34 ppl pass. 16/30. actually my this term results arent not that bad afterall. hope i work harder. and xae forced me to go rec yesterday. the bt was so arss, duno what about seeing prawn, and we were just playing with the ball and he came to us, wanting 3 on 1. can we dont agree? no eh, and he said we didnt play our best in the match and just play with the ball. wth???? i really hope we can change back our previous coach. i miss those times, now i dread to go for training.

and tmrw have to eat with my uncles and aunties. oh man, i hate it. i just cant communicate with them. haha. regretted not staying longer for the mdc studios thing, if not could take pic with yvonne!

Saturday, 2 February 2008

yesterday was a super tiring day. had match with jurong west sec. omg. the bt coach was so biased. he only look at the height of you all then he choose you lor. wth lar, i go there like extra only. he never thinks of others, xae fell down many times and the rest were extremely tired, never care about them only make them play play. they are like so exhausted, running hard for the ball. and it rained, he left, without us knowing. leaving the team and ms mo. wthwthwth. i really feel like quiting, joining rec and focusing more on my studies.

esther and i went for the mdc thingy. omg went there real late. luckily kite waited for us, she gave us the ticks and aud they all chop place. it was ex to take from amk to mdc. wow traffic jammed. then the prog started. mark lee was the host. saw yvonne! (from far)=.= and quite a no. celebrities. then mum was worried about me so left btw the 1st half. like around 10.30? could see esther didn't want to leave. she said she wanted to stay longer cos she don't want to go back home lol. didn't communicate much with the yverlasting members. in fact, didnt even talk to them. read their blogs that they met yvonne about 11.20 plus? cant wait that long lar, no transport back home. on our way out, we met a aunty who wanted to drive us to punggol. cannot anyhow trust ppl, but she and her mum(a granny) look quite okay. can be trusted. sent us to punggol and we cabbed back home.

oh wow, how much money i wasted! on cabbing. my com is officially spoilt, cant do heymaths using my bro's com on secret!